By Jason Powell
Dot Net Members are listening to the 41-minute audio review of WWE Raw that I recorded on Monday night, and the 71-minute WWE TLC audio review that Chris Shore and I recorded on Sunday night. If you enjoy our All Access audio, help support Dot Net by signing up for membership to the ad-free version of the website via the Dot Net Members' Signup Page.
WWE Raw Hits
Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan: This match entertained me more than the Orton vs. Bryan pay-per-view matches in terms of actual match quality. There is always something missing when the title isn't on the line, but I was curious to see how the match would end. Ultimately, they made the right call by having Orton low blow Bryan, as Orton losing the night after his big TLC win would have been a mistake, and Bryan losing here would have been an even bigger mistake. It will be interesting to see whether they go with an Orton vs. Cena rematch at the Royal Rumble or if they end up going with a Triple Threat match.
Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio: The latest good match involving Goldust and Cody Rhodes. I'm starting to wonder if these guys could get a good match out of Great Khali and David Otunga. Here's hoping we never find out. The good sportsmanship between the two teams is working because it's different from the usual heel vs. babyface dynamic. I assume the tension will grow between the teams as the program continues, but I hope they don't turn either team. For that matter, I hope this isn't the setup for a Goldust and Cody split to set up a WrestleMania 30 match. Things are going so well with them as a team that I really hope WWE keeps them together in 2014 and then set up a WrestleMania 31 match between the brothers.
Mark Henry and Big E Langston vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro: An entertaining match that ate up a ton of television time. It's going to be a long week for Oklahoman Swagger with WWE taping three more nights of television in Texas. Henry and Langston are clicking as a team, but I suspect this is leading to Henry turning on Langston to set up an Intercontinental Title match feud.
C.M. Punk and The Uso Brothers vs. The Shield: The crowd was flat early and it left me wondering whether there was a one-night hangover because The Shield just lost to Punk in a handicap match at the pay-per-view. The crowd got more into the match as it went on and Roman Reigns hitting his big spear on Punk evened the score. The Uso Brothers continue to deliver good high energy matches and 2014 should be a good year for them.
WWE Raw Misses
Shawn Michaels and C.M. Punk: A letdown segment. I was as intrigued as anyone when HBK's music hit, but the verbal exchange left so much to be desired. These two are capable of so much more.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango: A shorter match than they had at TLC and it was the usual Even Steven booking. We saw a lot of that last night and I thought it worked in many cases, but this match was so short and forgettable that it came off like WWE doesn't really know what to do with these guys. Maybe we can get a good length rubber match on Smackdown this week. I still want to see what these two can do in the ring when they are given enough time.
Brodus Clay and Tensai vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel: I'd love to see Clay destroy Tensai, R-Truth, and Xavier Woods and then move on to bigger and better things. Instead, all signs point to this being an undercard push for heel Clay. He didn't even get to keep whatever heat he generated from splashing Tensai, as they had Truth and Woods double dropkick him. By the way, I really liked Consequences Creed in TNA, but the Woods persona does nothing for me.
Powell's WWE Raw Hit List: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan, Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels and C.M. Punk, Mark Henry and Big E Langston vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
Posted in: Powell Editorials,
Dec 17, 2013 - 03:22 PM
Dec 17, 2013 - 03:22 PM
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