Linda Bollea is asking a judge to force her estranged husband Hulk Hogan to give her and additional $8,200 per month and $24,000 in "advanced rent and security deposits" so move from Florida to California, according to She claims she fears Hogan because of the comments he made about relating to O.J. Simpson. To read the full item, visit
Powell's POV: Does anyone else find it hilarious that Hogan is catching so much heat for saying he can relate to what Simpson did even though Simpson was found not guilty? Of course, we all know what Hogan meant and Simpson was guilty as hell (spare me the emails because you won't change my mind). Even so, the amount of money Linda requires to live every month is embarrassing.
It looks like Linda is determined to piss away the family fortune on legal fees. It will be very interesting see how she gets by once the lawyers take their cut and leave her with a fraction of what she's accustomed to spending. God forbid if she actually has to lower herself and work for a living like the rest of us peons. I can't wait until the day comes when I can welcome her to the real world.
Linda Bollea wants more money from Hulk Hogan so she can move away from him
Posted in:
By By Jason Powell
Apr 29, 2009 - 11:42 AM
Apr 29, 2009 - 11:42 AM
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