Dragon Gate USA presents REVOLT! 2014
February 22nd 2014
Elmhurst, NY
Attendance estimate: 300
Results courtesy Chris GST via PWPonderings.com.
1. Tim Donst defeated Chris Dickinson. Donst won on a reversal of a second Razor’s Edge attempt.
2. Ivelisse defeated Su Yung. Ivelisse over with a Canadian Destroyer
3. Caleb Konley defeated Yosuke Santa Maria.
4. Gentlemen’s Club defeated Bravado Brothers by DQ. Quinn Ojinnaka (former NFL linebacker) appears to be the unnamed man who debuted tonight as The Bravado’s bodyguard.
5. Rich Swann defeated Anthony Nese.
6. Mr. A defeated Fire Ant and Shane Strickland.
7. AR Fox defeated Drew Gulak to retain the EVOLVE Championship.
8. Johnny Gargano defeated Trent Baretta to retain the Open the Freedom Gate Championship.
12/22 DGUSA/EVOLVE REVOLT! 2014 results: Johnny Gargano vs. Trent Baretta for the DGUSA CHampionship, AR Fox vs. Drew Gulak for the EVOLVE Championship, Rich Swann vs. Anthony Nese
Posted in:
Feb 23, 2014 - 05:21 PM
Feb 23, 2014 - 05:21 PM
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