Randy Orton cited weight as the primary reason Eugene (a/k/a Nick Dinsmore) was released by WWE recently. "He came back two weeks ago and came in a little heavy from where (management) wanted him to come in," Orton stated during a SummerSlam promotional appearance.
"Nick is a good friend of mine. I pulled some strings to get his job back and he comes back all overweight. So all in all, I'm a little upset with him right now." To read more on the story, visit the UK Sun.
Powell's POV: The question I have is how much notice Dinsmore had regarding his return to the company. If he was given plenty of notice then there's not much he can say. However, if it was a quick process than I have some sympathy for him. By the way, does it really matter whether the Eugene character is chubby? It's not like they ever asked him to go out and have classic matches.
WWE News: Randy Orton explains why Eugene was released so quickly after re-signing with WWE
Posted in:
WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Aug 26, 2009 - 11:36 AM
Aug 26, 2009 - 11:36 AM
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