Darren Aronofsky, the director of The Wrestler, noted in an interview with The Tufts Daily that a WWE Hall of Famer broke down crying in actor Mickey Rourke's arms after watching The Wrestler. "His character is really an amalgamation of lots of different characters," Aronofsky said of Rourke's chracter. "The sad thing is the more of these guys we met, the more clichés we ran into, as so many of their lives ended up a similar way.
"Even the guys who kept it together and have a family, etc. - they all had similar stories and all knew someone who was going through a similar thing and dealing with the physical damage that had been done to them. It was great; the other night, Rowdy Roddy Piper showed up at a screening and he loved it. He broke down and cried in Mickey's arms, so he was psyched that this story was finally told." To read the full interview, visit TuftsDaily.com.
Powell's POV: The reviews from within the wrestling industry have been positive for the most part. I'm still looking forward to hearing what Vince McMahon thinks of the movie, as Aronofsky reportedly has agreed to give him a private screening of the film.
WWE Hall of Famer broke down and cried in Mickey Rourke's arms after watching "The Wrestler"
Posted in:
WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Dec 6, 2008 - 12:37 PM
Dec 6, 2008 - 12:37 PM
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