Matt Hardy answers reader questions in his latest Myspace blog and commented on a popular internet rumor that he's dating WWE Diva Katie Lea. "There's the good old internet for ya!," he wrote. "I am friends with Katie, but I have no idea how that rumor ever got started. To answer your question, no, I'm not. I'm totally single right now because nobody wants me." To read the full blog, visit Matt's MySpace page.
Powell's POV: Damn internet. I'd like to spread the rumor that I'm dating Katie Lea in hopes that it will either come true or cause one of the other Divas to get jealous and try to steal me. Tell 10 friends and ask them to pass it on.
Matt Hardy comments on rumors that he's dating one of the WWE Divas
Posted in:
WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Oct 2, 2008 - 02:25 PM
Oct 2, 2008 - 02:25 PM
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