Famous actor knocked out by a former WWE wrestler

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Nov 29, 2008 - 11:03 AM

Actor Robert Downey Jr. required medical attention after he was decked by Robert Maillet while filming the movie Sherlock Holmes. Maillet, who played Kurgan in WWE, caught Downey with a punch during a fight scene. "Robert was accidentally caught on the chin by a thundering hook," a source told "He went flying and was out cold. He didn't want to go to the hospital and kept trying to get up. He's a trooper." To read the full story, visit [Thanks to Rich Twilling]

Powell's POV: You'll have to scroll down the page to find the report. For readers who don't remember Kurgan from his WWE days, you can check out a photo of him by visiting his Wikipedia page.

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