12/5 Dot Net One Shots: The Dot Net staff give their quick thoughts from the previous week in WWE, TNA, MMA and indie wrestling

Posted in: Blogs, MUST-READ LISTING
Dec 5, 2013 - 04:16 PM

Welcome to the Dot Net One Shots. Each week, we will present a quick "one shot" thought from each staff member about the previous week in each of the following areas: WWE, TNA and Other (MMA, Indies, etc).


Will Pruett (Twitter - @itswilltime): As bad as the buildup feels, the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships should be unified. There shouldn't be two world champions for one company without two brands. When Smackdown and Raw combined in 2011, the titles being separate stopped making sense. The challenge now is for WWE to make upper-mid-card stories mean something without the WHC. They have to tell stories better, not rely on a pointless belt.

Jeff Lutz (Twitter - @JeffreyDLutz): Triple H has been involved in two feuds, with Daniel Bryan and Big Show, without physically interacting with either of them and without ever being made to look the fool as a heel. He has seemingly moved on to a rivalry with C.M. Punk, creating a third possible match that few see as an attraction. Am I the only one who believes Triple H is working his way up the WWE pecking order until he puts himself in a match with John Cena for the unified championship at WrestleMania?

Jake Barnett (Twitter - @barnettjake): I hope this week's Raw rating was a signal that people are not responding to WWE's recycled approach to the top of their card. While Cena and Orton are undoubtedly talented, their feud feels like week old donuts.

Zack Zimmerman (Twitter - @InVasionZim): WWE did a better job with Raw than they have in weeks, but that's not saying much. Sure, we're two weeks out from TLC and actually know a handful of the matches that will take place. However, the disregard for recent PPV and TV quality has done real damage to brand loyalty and fans' faith (don't believe me? Ask that 2.65 rating). I think the Slammy's next week will be a fair determinate whether this week's Raw was an unintentional improvement or if they're actually trying to get things back on track. I'm not holding my breath.

Darren Gutteridge (Twitter - @Dazatheg): It appears that WWE has a lot of faith in the Sin Cara "brand", if not in Sin Cara/Mistico himself. I found it odd that his t-shirt and mask were always on sale at Live Events, despite his lack of TV time, but they did sell decently. I suppose the never ending quest to replace Mysterio will go on, with that responsibility now seemingly placed on Hunico for the time being.

Chris Shore (Twitter - @TheShoreSlant): Monday Night Raw has become somewhat of a chore for me to watch. I used to watch every Monday night live. Now I wait and watch the show on Tuesday mornings most weeks. Some weeks that becomes Tuesday afternoons, and occasionally it pushes to Wednesday morning. If I'm doing that and I do this for a living how bad is it becoming for the regular fan? If the ratings are any indication, it's apparently pretty bad.


Jeff Lutz: TNA seems to have moved on from Jeff Hardy as the centerpiece of the company. Maybe that's the company's way of keeping Hardy fresh, to cycle him out of the rotation of world-title holders for the time being. TNA should, however, find some direction for Hardy, instead of letting him languish near the top of the card and in specialization matches that carry no significant consequence.

Jake Barnett: TNA, with all its faults, appears to be starting the process of pushing its young talent. While the execution leaves something to be desired, I will give them credit for the effort.

Zack Zimmerman: Wait, you mean I spent last Thursday with family and friends, eating and drinking and watching football, when I could've been watching someone in TNA wear a turkey suit and gobble around the ring? Man, where are my priorities?

Chris Shore: I still need to see how they play out on TV, but the spoilers coming out of the long run at Universal Studios give me some hope. There are still some head scratchers in there, it’s still TNA after all, but I like the trajectory TNA seems to be taking.

Other (MMA, Indies, Etc)

Will Pruett (Burned Out): I've watched wrestling for over half of my life. It's been 16 years of regular viewing. This is the first time I've ever felt this tired of wrestling. Watching WWE is a chore. Watching TNA is like watching a painful reenactment of Raw from three weeks ago. I need something great to break this funk. Any ideas?

Jeff Lutz (WWE): I have been as critical as anyone during the last few weeks about WWE's illogical booking tactics, but I have done my best not to cross the line of unfairness. I completely understand the lack of trust fans have in the product, and I completely understand their caution in believing the match between Randy Orton and John Cena will produce a suitable outcome. I don't understand, however, the people who were calling for a guarantee from Triple H that an undisputed champion would be crowned at TLC now railing on Triple H for emphasizing that guarantee. That's unfair. We can't be mad at WWE for everything.

Jake Barnett (Daniel Bryan): I really enjoyed Daniel Bryan's appearance on the Steve Austin Show this week. He gave some great insight about how he approaches his career, and how difficult the transition to being a main event talent has been in terms of what is expected of him. Give it a listen if you have time.

Zack Zimmerman (NXT): As rough as I've been on American TV wrestling, last week, NXT showed the world what the future of wrestling is. Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville only went about 11-12 minutes, but it was a spectacular fusion of a WWE main event style match and an athletic PWG style match with indescribable chemistry. If you're familiar with the history between the two, this should come as no surprise. If you're not, do a little YouTube research. And either way, you owe it to yourself and your fandom to check out the main event from the 11/27 episode of NXT.

Darren Gutteridge (NXT): One negative to come out of the amazing Zayn vs. Neville match - it highlighted to me that although these two can make a splash on the main roster, there is no one who stands out as main event talent. Leo Kruger is maybe the only one at present I can envision as anything more than a lower-to-mid card guy, and that is a problem the talent scouts need to address.

Chris Shore (Next Big Thing): Look at these One Shots. Has it ever been more obvious that fans are clamoring for something, anything, to catch their interest right now? WWE is terrible, TNA is digging out of bad holes, ROH is virtually non-existent. I cannot think of another time in wrestling history when fans have been sitting on the sidelines begging for something new. Someone needs to see that and make a move. The fruit is ripe.

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