Twilling's TNA Super Impact Hitlist: A.J. Styles vs. Kurt Angle, Bound For Glory video packages, Lashley gets attacked twice, Daniels vs. D'Angelo Dinero, World Elite, lack of hype for the mid card matches

Posted in: Staff Editorials
By By Rich Twilling
Oct 16, 2009 - 02:35 PM

Today's Dot Net Weekly audio show will feature the latest on Shane McMahon, exclusive news on the futures of Undertaker and Shawn Michaels in WWE, TNA Bound For Glory, and much more. The show is available exclusively to Dot Net Members. You can gain access to all audio on the ad-free version of the website by visiting the Dot Net Members' Signup Page.

TNA Impact Hits

A.J. Styles vs. Kurt Angle: ROH fans will go with Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black I, Smackdown fans will go with any combination of Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, C.M. Punk, Jeff Hardy, and John Morrison as match of the year candidates. With all due respect to those matches Angle vs. Styles was better than all of them. Usually, when covering a match, you look for big moves, things that change match happenings, and events that lead to the finish. With this match, I sat, watched, and typed everything I saw because I didn’t want to miss the next great thing. This may not have been the Bound For Glory main event, but it should have been. By the way, I hope they do it up for his entrance by shooting every firework possible at him.

Bound For Glory video packages (all of them): Jason mentioned they were better promotion for BFG than TNA has done on any episode of Impact. Very true. They did extended videos for Sting vs. Styles, Angle vs. Morgan, Mick Foley vs. Abyss, and Lashley vs. Samoa Joe. The videos had a very “real life” feel to them whatever formula they were going for, they found it. These videos, even more than the talent themselves, sold pay-per-views.

Hype for the top four matches: During the actual broadcast, they really focused on the top four matches. They started with Angle motivating the Mafia and the champ coming out with his boys. Sting vs. Styles, Angle vs. Morgan, Foley vs. Abyss, and Lashley vs. Joe are obviously the top matches on the show. I’m already picking my upset pick (come back on Sunday or listen tomorrow to hear what it is).

Opening segment anointing Bound For Glory as a changing of the guard show: The opening segment saw Angle give each of his men a pep talk. Ray, Styles, and Morgan had better ideas, and started the pullapart brawl. I usually hated these, but this one worked here. They didn’t give away too much contact while at the same time deemed the arena a dangerous place to be.

Bobby Lashley gets attacked twice: It think it was a a solid segment for Rhino go gore him backstage. Someone like Rhino should hate someone like Lashley for coming and being given such a huge spot and then later on, Samoa Joe got the best of him too. It was not a good night for babyfaces avoiding attacks.

Daniels vs. D’Angelo Dinero: Short, but solid X Division match that did not necessarily sell the Ultimate X match as the video package did, but it was an enjoyable match. The post match stuff was good for focusing on future X Division X Event matches and feuds.

Hamada vs. Alissa Flash: Unfortunately, this was a bump filled match that didn’t meant anything once it was over. Neither woman is involved in the title picture and they busted their ass here for nothing.

TNA Impact Misses

Hernandez vs. The World Elite: I was not a fan at all of this segment because it seems as though Hernandez is just barreling through the World Elite and the British Invasion losing three matches so quickly make them look jobbers. Young attacked Hernandez with a kendo stick was 1996 at best and Hernandez should have seen it coming.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino: Usually matches like these end in a brawl and not much else. There is not much to work with on the floor and outside of the arena. While the match was for what it was, it didn’t promote much for the pay-per-view. In fact, Rhino attacking Lashley, Joe attacking Lashley, and the video package were the best three things promoting this match.

Tag Team Champion match brawl: The interview was comical because of Booker T going to bad for himself. The brawl was weak and if that was catering, well, I hope people stopped at McDonald’s on their way to the Impact Zone.

Lack of hype for certain matches: The top four matches received extensive billing. But the tag team title match, the Legends Title match, and the two women’s titles matches received little to nothing. So, definitely an A for promoting the top bouts, but an INC for the rest of the show.

Check back on Sunday night for Jason Powell's live coverage of the TNA Bound For Glory show.

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