Dot Net Mailbag: WWE Raw patriotism theme - how was it perceived by readers who live outside the United States?

Posted in: Dot Net Mailbag
May 3, 2011 - 11:53 AM

I asked Dot Net readers who live outside the United States to share their thoughts on the patriotism theme of Monday's Raw during my live coverage report. The feedback was overwhelmingly in favor of the patriotism theme, and the following is a second sampling of the emails I received.

My friends and I were watching and we were happy with the celebration. We really enjoyed it because that guy is a danger to everybody not just to the USA so that celebration was awesome!

Mohammad from Kuwait


Well, I don't want to be disrespectful at all, but for many people is just another U.S. celebration. I´m From Guatemala. Okay, cool that you finally got the guy, but that gotta mean something else. Maybe this is a some curtain to hide another thing happening in U.S. You know like the economy or something. Again I don´t try to be an ass, just that is really boring that all the U.S. feels that like an achievement when it could be something else. And seeing it in a wrestling show is just cartoonish for me.

Rodrigo Escriba


Following along on your RAW live coverage tonight and saw the question asked.  As a Canadian living near Toronto, I still get choked up during the anthem tonight, and the video.  Despite what happened taking place in the USA, we can all relate to the horrible events, and they transcended the borders.  As a police officer in training, I also have tremendous respect for those who are willing to risk their lives on a daily basis to protect the freedoms of those whom they have never met.

Derek Harmsworth


Regarding the USA pro show tonight, I think it's great. You guys should be proud and it's great to see everyone having pride in their country.

Craig Petty


I'm not bothered by it at all. I think that it's justified as the death of Bin Laden is a great personal victory for those men and women involved in the armed forces and for all of those affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

At the same time though, a lot of Canadians will have their eyes on the federal election today than Raw I would think.

Jon from Edmonton, Alberta

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