TNA's desire to bring in new talent, the ROH wrestler that TNA covets most, Bryan Danielson and WWE

Posted in: Powell's Blog
By By Jason Powell
Jun 12, 2008 - 01:37 PM

Thursday, JUNE 12 - 1:37 P.M.

It's no secret that TNA officials want to bring in new blood. For whatever reason, they've yet to pull the trigger on bringing in any new talent. The names of Joey Matthews, Johnny Swinger, and NWA Anarchy wrestler Mikal Judas have come up several times and all three have backers within the office, but no deals have been offered.

There are also people within TNA who are very high on Ring of Honor champion Nigel McGuinness. The feeling is that he could be very helpful in the company's attempt to capitalize on their popularity in the UK. Although his name has come up several times, one source told me that they won't make a move on him until his ROH contract expires.

I spoke with two TNA officials about Bryan Danielson. One conversation occurred last week before Danielson's dark match with WWE, and the other took place after the dark match. Surprisingly, both sources shared the opinion that there was only so much they could do with American Dragon. They believe he could have good matches with Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle, but they don't see much for him beyond that because they don't think he has the right intangibles to become a star.

This is the same company that employs WWE washouts who have yet to draw a dime for the company, yet they have no interest in a tremendous worker like Danielson? Isn't this the same company that wants to place more of an emphasis on workrate and just started featuring longer matches on pay-per-view?

Do you mean to tell me that they couldn't get a great series of matches out of Danielson and wrestlers such as A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels (minus the comedy gimmick), and most of the X Division wrestlers? Nothing against Kaz, but you can't tell me that Danielson has less charisma and couldn't draw more money than the guy being featured in a TNA Title match with Samoa Joe on tonight's Impact.

There are some cases when it feels like TNA officials just reach for reasons not to bring in new talent. In fact, I remember people within the company making similar comments about Samoa Joe when he was still working for Ring of Honor. The point is moot because I can't imagine that Danielson would pass up whatever WWE opportunities he may have for a spot in TNA, but it frustrates me to think that they can't find a spot for a great worker who, even using their flawed logic, could have a series of excellent matches with TNA's top two performers.

Ultimately, I think it is time for TNA to add new talent to the mix. The X Division was down to two heels before they turned Sonjay Dutt on Sunday, and the company could use some fresh faces. I don't know much about Judas, but Matthews and Swinger would be excellent additions.

For what it's worth (and probably not much given his contract status), McGuinness would be a huge signing for TNA. He's been involved in some of the best matches of 2008 and he's developed an excellent personality.

As much as I enjoy Danielson's work and feel that he would be a good addition to either roster, I'm surprised that WWE isn't more interested in McGuinness given that he has more of the intangibles that WWE looks for in terms of combining good ring work with mic skills and charisma. If I were calling the shots for WWE or TNA talent relations, McGuinness would be at the top of my ROH and independent wrestler wish list.


Wednesday, JUNE 11 - 12:10 P.M.

-I was hoping that Hulk Hogan would come out and express general remorse for his actions during last night's "Larry King Live" interview. Yes, he offered some apologies while blaming exhaustion for him Nick badmouthing crash victim John Graziano. Sorry, Hulk, but being tired is no excuse for being a heartless prick.

Hogan's big defense is that the media took snippets of his conversations with Nick and looked for the worse. While it's true that the media picked and choose what they wanted in some cases, Hulk, Linda, and Nick sure gave them plenty of ammunition. Oh, and by the way, the Tampa Tribune posted multiple complete phone conversations between Nick and his family members, and I don't recall hearing Hulk and Nick spending much time discussing Graziano or expressing any serious remorse. You can check out those audio clips by clicking here.

Hulk tried to portray Nick as braver and tougher than a hardened criminal for lasting as long as he did in solitary confinement. If Nick is so tough, then why was he crying to his mother on his first night behind bars? Look, I'm sure this wasn't easy on Nick, but he was placed in that cell for his own protection. He pissed and moaned about it from the start. He's no hero no matter how Hulk tries to spin it.

Ultimately, Hogan tried to portray himself and his family members as victims. The real victim is lying in a hospital bed and probably will be for the rest of his life. Hogan was really reaching when he claimed that Nick had "a couple" of traffic incidents in the past and that he wasn't drag racing prior to the accident even though the judge who sentenced Nick clearly believed that was the case.

Hogan took the same approach that Vince McMahon uses when is company is generating negative publicity. He gave blind loyalists who will defend him to the end the sound bytes they needed to continue to support his cause. The majority of the feedback I've received thus far is pro-Hogan, so it clearly worked with some people. I'm sorry, but it will take more than spin and a few tears to make me look at the Hogan family any differently than I did before Larry King lobbed softball questions his way.

-Contrarily, I was impressed with Brooke Hogan's honesty regarding her mother dating a 19 year-old in a recent interview. It would have been easy to say no comment, but Brooke was open about her feelings on the matter and even revealed that she and Nick went to school with the kid who is now dating her cougar mother.

Meanwhile, Hulk seemed anything but honest when the subject of his dating one of Brooke's former friends came up during the King interview. He had no problem answering the question about Linda dating a 19 year-old, but he went into spin mode while stating that his current girlfriend is 34.

While it's true that Hogan is not dating Brooke's friend currently, his daughter and her former friend have both gone on record about the affair in the past. Even if Hogan denies the allegations that they slept together, he should not have acted like it was a ridiculous question. This was one of many moments when Hogan ruined his own credibility with this viewer.

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