Dot Net TNA News: Samoa Joe blew up in front of TNA management at a recent set of Impact tapings, hasn't worked for the company since

Aug 3, 2010 - 02:31 PM

By Jason Powell

Samoa Joe blew up backstage after his time limit draw with Jeff Hardy, which aired on Thursday's TNA Impact. Joe headed backstage and yelled at Vince Russo in front of TNA president Dixie Carter.

Joe made it clear going into the match that he felt counting down to the time limit would give away the draw finish. However, Russo apparently instructed ring announcer Jeremy Borash to announce that there were 30 seconds remaining in the match.

Powell's POV: Joe was not at the tapings last Monday or Tuesday in Orlando. He was at the Comic Con event in San Diego the preceding weekend, so I suppose it's possible that he was scheduled to be off on Monday, but the timing is certainly interesting. A source felt that Joe was right about the 30-second announcement giving the finish away, yet added that Joe handled the situation poorly by letting his temper get the best of him.

8/3 Update: One source claims Joe was actually yelling at production team members Keith Mitchell and David Sahadi, while others say it was Russo. Either way, it's very telling that he has not appeared for the company since the outburst.

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