The Ultimate Warrior responds to Kevin Nash's shoot fight challenge

Jan 6, 2012 - 11:05 PM

The Ultimate Warrior recorded a ten-minute video in which he responded to Kevin Nash's challenge to a shoot fight. Warrior said he thinks that after all these years Nash would be more open to truths about himself. He called Nash a two bit manipulator (among other things). "Everybody knows that you're a cheater and a thief afraid to compete on your merits alone," Warrior said.

Warrior also said Triple H is the same type of "vile" human being that Nash is. He said the younger wrestlers don't get criticized by him. "I do, though, tell the truth and call absolute bullshit by guys like you," he said. Warrior continued to accuse Nash and other aging stars of stealing the spotlight and "devouring a huge chunk of the talent budget." Warrior suggested that Nash pack his bags and go home. You can watch the video at

Powell's POV: In the end, Warrior said he's never claimed to be an MMA fighter. He said they would both have their asses handed to them by nearly every MMA fighter in the world. Warrior said he's not going to fulfill Nash's MMA fantasy and won't live by the offer and the terms that he offered. However, he said that if Nash wants to set a date that will allow him to prepare properly and if Nash has investors who can come up with big money and get his interest, he would accept the challenge.

The kicker is that Warrior said that adding a zero to the $100,000 offer that Nash recommended wouldn't be enough. In other words, Warrior wants more than a million dollars to take the fight. Good luck with that. Boo!!! So much for the WrestleMania weekend "match" that some of us were looking forward to more than The Rock vs. John Cena, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

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