Kester's TNA Impact Wrestling Rundown: A solid show highlighted by a great main event featuring James Storm, Samoa Joe, and Magnus vs. Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Bully Ray, and more

Posted in: Kester Editorials, MUST-READ LISTING
Mar 2, 2012 - 02:48 PM

By Ryan Kester

James Storm, Samoa Joe, and Magnus vs. Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Bully Ray

TNA put some solid booking into this match. Thy focused on the build for it the entire night, they devoted the most traditionally high rating segment to setting the match up, and the payoff was rewarded with a very hot crowd. TNA managed to feature their TNA Champion, their X-Division Champion, their Tag team Champions, and their number-one contender to the TNA title in a single match and almost everyone ended up looking good.

The one man that lost something out of the entire affair was Bobby Roode, but I can't bring myself to be upset about him taking the loss. He hasn't won a match clean sine he captured the TNA Title, and this gave Storm some good babyface heat for his victory. Bobby Roode will need a credible win before he drops his title, and if his match against Sting at Victory Road or their post-Victory Road Impact match does not end clean Bobby Roode-victory, then this was simply ridiculous.

Bully Ray's post-match attack on Storm set up an interim feud for Storm. I hope that this entire stretch does not feature Storm getting the tar beaten out of him before hitting two moves and moving on, which is what occurred in the match to make Storm the number-one contender. It's time to put some good heat back on Storm, and another match like that only undermines him further.

Knockouts' Matches

Look, I enjoy a good looking woman as much as the next guy, but I really don't care to listen to two grown men losing their minds every single time a female competitor or ring announcer is shown on screen. I know the old tried and true argument of "what do you expect from a company named TNA?" but it still just makes for unentertaining television. I am fine with female wrestlers being eye candy for some, but I would like one of the top two companies to get their announce team actually treat them like athletes. They're TNA's top draw, and it's time for them to be treated with a bit more respect.

The above complaint especially stems from Madison Rayne's match with ODB. Rayne and Kim were out there trying to tell the story of why they are feuding and how Kim didn't help Rayne in her match when Rayne needed her to, but all of that was drowned out by the announcing shenanigans. The number one contender to the Knockouts Champion got pinned, but that was simply glossed over.

Things got a bit better later on in the evening in the Knockouts tag match between Mickie James and Velvet Sky against Angelina Love and Sarita. Some of the shenanigans were still present, but the women settled into a groove and delivered an entertaining match that seemed to pull Taz and Tenay out of their shtick. Velvet Sky, especially, seemed to be stepping up her game considerably. Her character could stand to lose a bit of her whining, but she at least seems to be improving in the ring.

AJ Styles vs. Kazarian and Christopher Daniels In a gauntlet match

I enjoyed this match and the storytelling that went into it. Styles and Daniels seem to be in a perpetual feud with one another, but I have enjoyed the matches they produce on a pretty consistent basis. Last night was no exception.

Kazarian's run in attack that led to Daniels's disqualification and Kazarian's pinfall was a nice touch, and it made Kazarian come off as intelligent. There are often moments in professional wrestling where you have to suspend common sense and logic, and a gauntlet match tends to be one of those. Kazarian's decision to cost his partner his match so they could ultimately win the war was intriguing. I remain interested in this feud and look forward to the eventual reveal for Kazarian's turn.

Zema Ion and Jesse Sorensen

I had a very guttural reaction of dislike to the Zema Ion promo talking about how he has no problems breaking necks to garner attention, but having slept on it I think I was just one of those that that promo was designed to work. Ion's character would naturally react in that manner, and Taz and Tenay did a good job of discussing how unprofessional and despicable that promo was, and the bad taste I had in my mouth last night was obviously designed to be there.

I hope this leads to good things for Jesse Sorensen and that it's a sign of a remarkably speedy recovery. If not, I can at least live with the announcers guiding viewers to despise Ion's character for his words. This is the type of angle that could go south very quickly, but TNA did a good job of handling this part of the storyline with due class and dignity.

Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle's show-opening promo was fun for what it was, but it really felt like a retread of the material he used when recently feuding with James Storm. Angle has a lot of in-ring talent, but his promo segments can really be hit or miss.

Jeff Hardy's work here was brief, intense, and effective. Hardy is a unique talent that is best served when he talks little and lets his organic connection with the fans work in his favor, and that's exactly what TNA had him do in this segment.

Garett Bischoff

TNA feels like it is getting a new energy across the board, but it still has a few issues here and there holding it back. Garett Bischoff, and the way TNA expects fans to not notice the reason for his push's existence, is one of those issues.

Overall Show

Last night's Impact was a good show. There was still some aspects of TNA television that I don't care for and there are still areas that TNA can improve, but I left the show enthusiastic about their prospects.

If you have any questions or comments or just wish to chat with a fellow wrestling fan about whatever, then feel free to email me at, or follow me on Twitter at @TheRyanKester.

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