Mark Out Moments: TNA Impact- The Main Event for Lockdown is set, Kurt Angle arrested again, and Christopher Daniels makes his return to TNA

Posted in: Gessner's Blog, MUST-READ LISTING
Apr 1, 2011 - 09:33 AM

By Mark Gessner

- It only took six minutes before our first of what will probably be many TNA security sightings. Seriously, why is it necessary to have them on every damn show in every other freaking segment? They had nothing to the show and if anything just annoy viewers on a weekly basis.

- Honest question, do any casual fans really care what TNA's ratings are? What is the purpose for bringing up the "network" wanting ratings? Hasn't that ship already sailed last spring after the Monday night experiment failed?

- Six backstage interviews: three disrespect references, one "no comment" interview from Mr. Anderson, and two solid promos by a recently rejuvenated Rob Van Dam and the best heel in TNA right now, Bully Ray.

- Say what you want about the fact that the nearly fifty year old Scott Steiner getting paid to be on weekly TV, seeing him pull of a Franksteiner is still awesome.

- Following Steiner's win over Shannon Moore, Brutus Magnus and Douglas Williams attacked Eric Young and Orlando Jordan and will most likely be the fourth team in the four-way tag team match at Lockdown between Ink Inc., Steiner and Crimson, EY & OJ, and now a reuniting British Invasion. I'm guessing this means Desmond Wolfe is still not able to return due to his health issues and London Brawling is done.

- Good short TV match between Max and Jeremy Buck. They've been heels for half a year, it's time to break them up and turn them against each other.

- "I'm begging to be that second rope"- Taz during Velvet Sky's entrance. Completely agreed.

- Winter having a spell or whatever over Angelina Love is comically bad and is wrestle crap 101. Katie Lea Burchill showed in her stint with WWE that she can wrestle, so way weigh her down with this stupid gimmick crap? While her introduction was intriguing, it has turned into stupidity.

- For the second time tonight, a brawl between Anderson and Sting. This time it was after Anderson refuses to apologize to Sting for disrespecting him. Why were they broken up earlier by security but not now? If you're going to beat the security angle to death, at least be consistent with it.

- Angle vs. Jarrett has been built up and a cage match at the pay-per-view makes sense. Luckily all matches will be fought in a cage at Lockdown and they aren't going into over kill mode with a gimmick match. WWE has themed PPVs built around match types. However, it's not for every match and is only for main events. How much intrigue would you have seeing a Money in the Bank match, Elimination Chamber, or Hell in a Cell match if an entire card consists of those matches?

- While it probably helps being surrounded by Bully Ray and Abyss, Matt Hardy looks much better than he did at the tail end of his WWE run and when he debuted with TNA. Good job, Matt.

- Anderson costs his team the main event. Fortune come to the rescue of Sting and RVD from the post fight beat down and get beat down themselves.

- Christopher Daniels made a surprise return and took out Abyss, Hardy, and Ray with a flying cross body of the top of the cage.

- Impact closed out with backstage interviews by Immortal, Fortune with Daniels, and Anderson getting attacked in a trailer by RVD. Daniels, Kaz, and Storm cut the best promos of the montage basically due to the fact they were the only ones who didn't yell to attempt and get their point across.

Thank you all very much for clicking the link that brought you to my first ever "Mark Out Moments" for an episode of TNA Impact. If you have any thoughts, questions, comments, or critiques, feel free to email me at or tweet me at Enjoy Wrestlemania weekend and I'll be back next week with my "Mark Out Moments" for Raw coming off the heels of Wrestlemania 27.

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