9/6 Shore's NXT Live Coverage: Titus O'Neil and AJ vs. Derrick Bateman and Maxine and a WWE Superstar returns to the ring

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
Sep 6, 2011 - 09:00 PM

By Chris Shore

Recorded earlier in Toledo, Ohio.

A video recapped Darren Young vs. Matt Striker and setup William Regal's return tonight…The opening video aired and Jack Korpela and William Regal checked in on commentary. Darren Young's music hit and he came to the ring with a mic. He welcomed everyone to NXT. He said he was there to talk about NXT being finished.

Shore's Slant: OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!

He said we wouldn't be seeing Striker anytime soon. He thanked Regal for stopping him last week because he could have gotten fined, suspended, or even fired. Regal grabbed a mic and went to the ring with an, "Oh, dear."

Regal put Young over, but said he wouldn't allow Young to continue to attack people like Matt Striker anymore. Young said Regal was trying to steal his spotlight. Regal said everyone there knew who he was. He said he was the bad Englishman who wears nice clothes, has beautiful hair, a body like a badly made bed, and the man who had committed more crimes in and out of the ring than anybody Young knew. Young challenged him to a match, and Regal accepted, saying he was doing it for Young…[C]

Shore's Slant: Wait…are we not talking about the end of NXT? Oh, son of a…Nice mic work from Regal, and Young held his own pretty well. I like how Regal is playing this. He can pull off the "babyface heel" gimmick very well.

Korpela put over the fake Diva drama from Twitter this weekend…

1. Titus O'Neil and AJ (w/Hornswoggle) defeated Derrick Bateman and Maxine at 5:14. The men started and Bateman slapped Titus. He hid in the ropes for a moment, and then Titus went to work. Bateman tagged in Maxine, and the crowd popped big for AJ. AJ hit a heel kick for two, but Maxine kicked AJ out of the air to take control.

Maxine showed her green by working mostly rest holds and strikes. AJ made the hot tag and Titus destroyed Bateman. He hit a shoulder breaker and covered, but Maxine made the save. AJ hit a flying clothesline on Maxine, and Titus hit Clash of the Titus (sitout powerbomb) for the win…[C]

Shore's Slant: That was one of those matches that wasn't very good, and yet managed to entertain anyway. The women did the bulk of the time, and Maxine is too green for that. But I didn't hate it. Maybe my expectations were just low.

Backstage, Maxine yelled at Bateman about losing. Bateman said she should have pinned AJ. They bickered for a while and then calmed down. Maxine said they had to get Horny away from AJ. Bateman made a sec joke, and then they made out for way too long…William Regal put over his match and left the announce table to change…[C]

Shore's Slant: Bateman said, "You always end up on top. And that was Edge/Lita cringe worthy. Are they dating for real? God, I hope they aren't dating anyone else. I've seen less fluid exchange in porn.

The show hung for a moment, and when I got the feed back, Striker had joined Korpela. And Tyson Kidd was in the ring. Kidd said somebody had been messing with him, and ran through the things that had occurred over the past few weeks. He said he knew it was Yoshi Tatsu. He put over his training making him the best ever, and trash talked Tatsu some more.

The Japanese symbol for "pride" appeared on the Tron and Yoshi Tatsu's music hit. A masked, calmer Tatsu made his ring entrance, and Yoshi removed the mask to reveal half of his face painted…

2. Yoshi Tatsu defeated Tyson Kidd at 10:25. Yoshi hit about 3 million kicks to Kidd and Kidd rolled to the floor…[C] Tatsu went for a baseball slide, but Kidd moved and slammed Yoshi into the railing. Kidd worked the back with a dropkick and a choke on the rope. Kidd hit a leg drop across the bottom rope onto the apron for a near-fall.

Yoshi reversed a headlock into a back suplex and Kidd rolled to the floor again. Yoshi went to the floor and hit a big boot. He rolled Kidd in and hit a top rope chop. He dropped a buzz-saw elbow and then a big punch for two. Yoshi went for the roundhouse, but Kidd hit a dropkick to the other leg for two.

Kidd went for a springboard elbow, but Yoshi got the knees up. Yoshi went to the top and Kidd kicked him. Kidd went for a Frankensteiner, but Yoshi held on. He hit a huge flying, spinning heel kick for the win…[C]

Shore's Slant: Yeah, that was what I had been wanting. They probably have another level or two in them, but that was very good. I hated Yoshi's old character. This one is bland, but I like it better than the love struck, goofy babyface.

3. William Regal defeated Darren Young in 7:00. Regal attacked at the bell and beat the shit out of Young. He threatened to stomp him in in the nuts, but put his feet down and stomped him in the gut instead. He strong whipped Young to the floor and followed. He dragged Young to the announce table and put on a set of headphones. He told Young to apologize, and Young wouldn't.

Regal rolled Young into the ring and stomped his hand. Young reversed a ship to the corner and Regal over sold. Young got in a couple of moves that Regal continued to oversell, but Regal came back and did another comedy spot in the corner. He hit an exploder suplex, and locked in the Regal Stretch.

JTG tried to jump in the ring, but Striker ran over and knocked him down. Regal broke the hold to see what was happening, and then hit the knee trembler for the pinfall victory. Post-match, Striker challenged JTG to a fight and got in the ring, but they just jawed to end the show…

Shore's Slant: Fun match. Regal is always a treat. I can't believe they cut a guy who has at least some comedy potential like Kozlov to keep Striker around to wrestle. But I'm guessing some sort of tag match next week. Still no end in sight. Thanks for reading along tonight.

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