9/17 Powell's WWE Superstars Live Coverage: Finlay vs. Dolph Ziggler headlines the Thursday night show, ECW Champion Christian in the ring

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
By By Jason Powell
Sep 17, 2009 - 07:00 PM

WWE Superstars on WGN America
Taped on Monday and Tuesday in Toronto and Hamilton, Ont.

[Q1] The opening video aired... Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler introduced the show...

1. Chris Masters beat Santino Marella in 4:55. The announcers recapped Breaking Point during the ring entrances. Masters dominated the bulk of the match. Santino made a comeback and applied his version of the Masterlock. Masters broke free of the move and countered with the real Masterlock until the referee called for the bell...

Powell's POV: Have we heard Masters speak since he came back? Even if he has, we haven't heard enough for him to get himself over.

The latest "WWE Divas Corner" featured various Divas giving dating advice to men and revealing their hidden talents... [C]

Powell's POV: There went 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back. By the way, Chris Shore has the week off. He'll return next week. I'm totally out of practice when it comes to WWE Superstars. Heck, I even started with a WWE Smackdown shell.

A video showcased C.M. Punk...

[Q2] Zack Ryder joined Josh Matthews and Matt "Beer Can" Striker on commentary...

Powell's POV: I'm not out of practice enough to forget the "beer can" tag for Striker. Good to see Ryder is on commentary. He needs the mic time to get his character over and to get people buzzing about his program with Christian.

2. Christian defeated Paul Burchill in a non-title match. Nice Ontario reaction for Christian. Ryder gave the "XOXO" greeting to his girlfriend. Funny. Christian was in control of the offense when show went to break. [C]

Powell's POV: Ryder slipped out of character on commentary. The dialogue was there, but he wasn't as obnoxious as you'd expect him to be. By the way, would his character have a girlfriend? It strikes me as the type of character that would grope every chick at the club and then brag to his fellow douche buddies about it after.

Burchill got some offense in after the break. Late in the match, he caught Christian on the ropes and nailed him with a few headbutts before following up with a fisherman's buster off the second rope. "I think I could do better than that," Ryder said. Funny.

[Q3] The wrestlers traded offense until Christian hit the Killswitch to win the match. Afterward, Christian looked down at Ryder, who remained behind the desk while returning the stare... [C]

Powell's POV: Ryder was funny on commentary, but he was too subdued. He went for cute comments rather than giving us the obnoxious, over the top persona that makes the character so much fun. Not horrible, just not what I was hoping for.

Jim Ross and Todd Grisham checked in for the first time at ringside...

Backstage, Josh Matthews interviewed Randy Orton, who said he made a business decision when he said the words "I quit" at Breaking Point. He said he would make John Cena suffer in the Hell in a Cell match and reclaim his WWE Championship... [C]

Powell's POV: Good line about it being a business decision. I'm really surprised that his quick tap didn't lead to any comments from Cena or his Legacy sidekicks on Monday night.

[Q4] 3. Dolph Ziggler defeated Finlay. A few minutes into the match, Ziggler bailed to ringside to avoid a beatdown. Finlay followed, so Ziggler climbed over the guardrail. The referee wouldn't let Finaly follow him. [C]

Lots of punches and kicks after the break. They also bumped heads in the corner of the ring. Finlay was in charge of the match when he became distracted by the referee taking his silly shillelagh, which had been kicked into mid-ring. Ziggler took advantage of the distraction by hitting his finisher and scoring the pin...

Powell's POV: This is one of those "What happens on Superstars stays on Superstars" shows. Just a throwaway hour of television. The matches weren't bad or anything, but it's nothing you need to go back and watch if you recorded the show. Thanks for watching along with me. Rich Twilling will have the WWE Superstars Hitlist in the morning.

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