6/17 Shore's WWE Superstars Live Coverage: Kofi Kingston vs. Trent Barreta, Primo vs. Yoshi Tatsu, and the in ring debut of the Usos

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
Jun 17, 2010 - 10:00 PM

By Chris Shore

Superstars on WGN America
Taped in Charlotte and Raleigh, N.C.

[Q1] The opening video aired, and Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcomed us to Superstars as Kofi Kingston made his ring entrance. The Dudebusters were out next...

1. Kofi Kingston (w/Michael McGillicutty) defeated Trent Barreta (w/Caylen Croft) at 12:11. Kofi broke clean to start. Barreta tried to break dirty next, but Kofi ducked and hit two arm drags into a one count and arm bar. Barreta whipped out of the arm bar, but Kofi hit a crossbody for two. Barreta ran the ropes and Kofi hit him in the face with his ass for two. Kofi ran the ropes, and Barreta scored a back elbow for two and took control. He hit several strikes until Kofi clotheslined him over the top. Croft distracted the ref, and Barreta climbed onto the apron. Kofi tried for a spear through the ropes, but Barreta hit a leg drop to the back of the head to send Kofi to the floor...[C]

Back at 8:03, Kofi fought out of a Camel Clutch, but Barreta hit a high knee for two. Barreta worked stomps in the corner and then locked in a rest hold. Kofi fought out and Barreta tried for a crossbody. Kofi moved and Barreta landed in the ropes. Kofi went on the attack and hit a flying crossbody for two. Kofi hit a jumping clothesline and followed with the Boom Drop. He followed with Trouble in Paradise for the win...

[Q2] An NXT recap video aired...The announce team hyped the tag team main event...[C]

Shore’s Slant: The match was well wrestled, but nobody thought Girlfarts No.1 Barreta could actually win, even with Girlfarts No.2 in his corner. WWE never considers how that knowledge always ruins the match to some degree. And is Matt Striker the new JR? For two weeks in a row now, he has been left lying at the end of a show. He must have pissed somebody off.

Yoshi Tatsu made his ring entrance as Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler took over on commentary. Primo was out next to some good heat...

2. Primo defeated Yoshi Tatsu at 3:54. Tatsu went on the quick offense with kicks and hip tosses. Primo reversed a corner whip and charged. Tatsu jumped up, but Primo kicked him in the gut to go on the attack. He dropped Tatsu gut first on the top rope and then covered with his feet on the ropes. The ref caught him and Primo worked the abdomen with rest holds. Tatsu fought back and worked his “strong style.” Yoshi went for his rolling kick, but Primo ducked and hooked a school boy roll-up and held the tights for the win. Post match, Primo backed up the ramp until Khali's music hit. Khali came out and forced Primo back in the ring. Tatsu hit a roundhouse kick and Khali hit the Punjabi Plunge...The announce team hyped the Usos debut...

Shore’s Slant: Not enough time to do anything. Plus the Khali run in ruined anything that could have been positive about this match. Just a snore fest of a match.

[Q3][C] A Kane hype video aired...The Raw Rebound video aired. Cole said that Bret was shaken both physically and emotionally. Awww...They ran down the Fatal Fourway card...Mark Henry and Goldust made their ring entrance Henry's music...[C]

Shore’s Slant: Wow, first the Undertaker legacy shot Kane took, now Cole calls him a pussy on TV. Welcome back to a grudge-free WWE Bret!

[Q4] The Usos made their ring entrance which consists of no video and the worst music evah...

3. The Usos (w/Tamina) defeated Goldust and Mark Henry at 12:13. Goldust and Jimmy started. LP whipped Goldust and he hit Henry's hand by accident. They played it off well with a blind tag gag. Henry hit a couple of clotheslines and tagged Goldust back in. He lost control immediately and Jay tagged in. The Usos worked in and out in their corner, beating on Goldust. Jay whipped him to the corner and tried for a crossbody. Goldust moved and tagged in Henry as Jay hit the corner. Henry came in and drove Jay over the top and then knocked Jimmy to the floor...[C]

Back at 7:02, Goldust hit an elbow and a knee drop on Jay for two before going to an arm bar. Henry tagged in and worked power offense on Jay. He went for a splash, but Jay moved and covered for two. He tagged in Jimmy and they worked Henry in the corner. Jimmy hit a diving headbutt for two. Jay tagged in and worked a front face lock. Henry just pushed him away. Both men made hot tags and Goldust worked his offense chain. He hit a powerslam on Jimmy and Jay broke the count. Henry ran in and he and Jay took each other out and distract the ref. Jimmy whipped Goldust and Tamina grabbed the foot. Goldust yelled at her and turned into a super kick. Jimmy went to the top and hit the splash for the win...

Shore’s Slant: A pretty good match that was also never in question. No way the Usos lose to these guys when their feud with the Harts is just starting. They didn't impress me much, but they weren't bad either. I don't know if it was the late start or the crappy show, but I'm just blah after that hour. I'll have more to say tomorrow on the hitlist. Thanks for reading and I'll see you then.

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