6/15 Barnett's WWE Smackdown Live Review: Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, C.M. Punk, Brodus Clay, Christian and Jack Swagger all in action!

Posted in: WWE TV Reports, MUST-READ LISTING
Jun 15, 2012 - 07:00 PM

By Jake Barnett

WWE Smackdown on SyFy
Taped 6/12 in Manchester, New Hampshire

[Q1] A recap aired of Vince McMahon's appearance on Raw, and it focused on the main event segment with Vince getting knocked out by Big Show. The normal Smackdown introduction then aired.

Pyro and the announce team welcomed us to the show. Mathews plugged No Way out and Cole then said we'd get an update on Vince McMahon's condition, as well as a verbal statement on the situation from Big Show. AJ's music then hit, and Cole immediately called her a whack job. A video was shown of AJ as she planted a kiss on Kane on Monday. AJ then smiled and grabbed a mic, and said she wanted to say something before the show started. She said there is a very simple reason why she kissed Kane Monday on Raw.

Before she could get her answer out, Vickie Guererro interrupted and said that she had news for AJ and she wasn't the story tonight. She said no one is talking about Big Show knocking out McMahon or AJ kissing Kane, they are talking about the showoff Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler then entered and recapped his win on Raw and said he stole the show, and he wasn't goign to let some hot topic employee steal his spotlight. AJ then retorted and said the bleech on his hair is seeping into his head, because he and his Grandma are delusional. Vickie then slapped AJ and said she won't talk to them that way, which brought out C.M. Punk.

Punk said he's not authority on the English language, but just because Vickie screeches "excuse me", doesn't mean they have to. He then said there is not excuse in the world to justify listening to her. Punk then said both she and Dolph are a broken record, because she screeches every week and he never comes through. Punk then said he wouldn't be World Heavyweight Champion, just like he couldn't beat Punk for the WWE title back in January. Dolph then interrupted and said he would speak for himself, and that he would be the World Heavyweight Championship on Sunday. Before he could continue, Daniel Bryan's music hit.

Bryan then came out and said it was amazing to see Punk defending AJ on Friday after she kissed Kane on Monday. He said he's learned from his mistakes, and it's amusing to see Punk and Kane make the same ones. He said AJ cost him the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania, and her bad luck would make him the WWE Champion at No Way Out. Sheamus then interrupted and made his entrance.

Sheamus said that Bryan talks out of his arse so much that he's not sure which end to look at while he's talking to him. He said Ziggler had a good outing on Monday, but that's one night and he's looking forward to beating him one more time. Sheamus then said since everyone was ready, they would start their Main Event match right now. AJ then grabbed the mic and said before that happened, she had some old business to take care of. She then lunged at Vickie, but Punk and Sheamus held her back...[c]

Barnett's Brief: Stong verbal segment from all involved. AJ continues to shine and everyone involved here is polished and can main event any WWE show on any given night. It's a pleasure to watch all these young guys work together, as they are the future and thankfully the future is now with all the injuries and veterans tied up in boring feuds.

[Q2] 1. C.M. Punk and Sheamus vs. Dolph Zigger and Daniel Bryan: Bryan and Sheamus start the match, with Sheamus taking control with a rolling senton. Punk tagged in hit a top rop elbow to Bryan's arm. Ziggler quickly tagged in after Punk ate a boot to the face from Bryan, but Ziggler quickly succumbed to double team work from Punk and Sheamus. Sheamus tagged back in and came over the rope with a shoulder block. He hit a body slam and tagged Punk again, who hit a springboard senton and a hanging vertical suplex.

Sheamus tagged in again, and Ziggler slipped away to tag Bryan. Bryan took control after a distraction from Ziggler, which allowed him to hit a dropkick in the corner. Ziggler tagged back in and pummeled Sheamus in the corner. More distractions and more heel interference from Bryan. Ziggler made a cover for two after a jumping elbow drop, and tagged Bryan in once again. Sheamus surged back and hit a tilt a whirl backbreaker, which allowed a tag to Punk. Punk hit a chain of clotheslines and a neckbreaker for another two count.

Ziggler caused enough of a distraction to allow Bryan to kick Punk's legs out from under him, and sent him to the outside. Bryan followed up with a diving knee from the apron...[c]

[Q3] Bryan hit a running knee to Punk and tagged in Ziggler. Ziggler hit some quick strikes and made a quick tag. Bryan came in and hit some kicks and a double underhook suplex. He went up top and attempted a diving headbutt, but Punk moved and tagged Sheamus. Ziggler tagged in as well and took the heat from Sheamus. Sheamus hit an Irish Curse and went for a fall but Bryan broke it up. Punk took Bryan out of the ring. He dove at Bryan but missed.

In the ring, Sheamus hit White Noise. Bryan got on the apron, but Sheamus knocked him off. Vickie then interfered, but AJ stopped her and dumped her in the ring. The distraction allowed Ziggler to roll up Sheamus, who got the three count.

Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan defeated Sheamus and C.M. Punk at 11:41.

After the match, AJ tackle Vickie and they spilled around the ring and to the floor. Eventually Vickie kicked off AJ and she flew into the apron and fell down. Sheamus chased Ziggler up the ramp. Kane's music hit and he came down and attempted to carry AJ away, but Punk stopped him. Punk and Kane brawled back into the ring, where Bryan kicked Punk a few times. Kane then chokeslammed both men, while AJ stared on with a smile from the ramp.

Barnett's Brief: Very strong tag match with the right finish and an interesting twist with AJ seeming pulling the strings of both Kane and Punk. Bryan looks like he could be the favorite for a cheap win on Sunday, which would be fun.

The Youtube preshow for No Way Out was announced as Brodus vs. David Otunga. Brodus's music then hit live in the arena. He announced the girls and then made his entrance. A video was then aired of Big Show as he destroyed Brodus 3 weeks ago. Brodus grabbed a mic and said that Laurinitis has banned him from Raw. He also said that if he got near Big Show he'd be fired on the spot. Brodus then said that he's confident that John Cena would take care of Big Show at No Way Out. Clay said he agreed to be on Smackdown as long as he got some competition. Heath Slater then made his entrance...

[Q4] 2. Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater: Slater got about 3 seconds of offense in until Clay hit a slam and a splash for the win...

Brodus Clay defeated Heath Slater at 0:20.

After the match, David Otunga snuck out and hit a chop block on Clay. He then continued to assault the knee with various holds and strikes, including using the ring apron.

Barnett's Brief: Clay looked ridiculous selling Otunga's offense, which wasn't his fault as Otunga just didn't make it look that dangerous. I'm glad they are putting Clay in an actual feud, though. I hope it improves.

Layla's music hit and she headed to ring side for commentary. Beth Phoenix and Alicia Fox followed.

3. Beth Phoenix vs. Alicia Fox: Alicia hit a very awkward looking back elbow, but missed her Axe Kick. A moment later, Beth Phoenix hit the Glam Slam for the decisive win.

Beth Phoenix defeated Alicia Fox at 0:49

Barnett's Brief: Not much to comment on there. It was over before it started. Why bother sending Layla out there to commentate on a 50 second match?

[Q5] Lilian Garcia was in the ring, and welcomed John Laurinitis to the arena, who entered on one crutch. Ace introduced himself and listed his many titles. He said even though he apologized Tuesday Morning Man to Man, he felt the need to apologize publicly. He said what happened was a mistake, and his professional advice to McMahon would be to avoid getting in the way of the Big Show at his advanced age. Ace then aired another recap video of the main event of Monday's Raw, with Vince getting knocked out by Big Show.

Ace then said that at WrestleMania he willingly put up his job, and at Over the Limit his job was on the line against John Cena, and again it is on the line at No Way Out. He said he is glad he has put his faith in this man, the behemoth Big Show. Show then made his way to the ring, and grabbbed the mic from Ace. Show said he has no reason to lie about whether or not he punched McMahon on purpose.

He said all the back to WCW he was never allowed to realize his fullest potential. He said when he came to WWE and met Vince McMahon he was told he had to let people in, and let people learn to like him. He said he tried that for 14 years, and all it got him was a trip on the sidelines as a special attraction. He then said unlike what happened to Vince, on Sunday what he will do to John Cena will be deliberate and uncomfortable. He said John Cena will suffer on Sunday, and after 14 years in the WWE Show is looking at the cage match at No Way Out as his first real match as himself. He then garaunteed victory on Sunday.

Cole then interrupted the exit of Big Show and Ace and said that Cena has promised to be in the arena before the end of the Show tonight. Big Show then climbed back into the ring and said if Cena was looking for him, he wouldn't be hard to find.

Barnett's Brief: Decent promo from Big Show, who's basically doing the same storyline that Mark Henry did last year with a bit of a twist. It worked for Henry, and I think it can work for Show if he can summon a little more intensity on the microphone. He hasn't quite reached the levels that Henry did in 2011, but at least we know it's a successful formula.

[Q6] Christian's music hit and he headed towards the ring for a match. Josh Mathews plugged the IC Title match between Rhodes and Christian on Sunday, and showed a video recap from Over the Limit of Christian winning the title. Jack Swagger then made his entrance.

4. Jack Swagger vs. Christian: Swagger got low bridged over the top rop by Christian early on, but Swagger surged back with a clothesline on the outside to gain control. Swagger hit a nice belly to belly suplex and a leg drop back in the ring. He then taunted Christian and went for another leg drop, but missed. Christian hit a flying forearm, and followed up with a big slap with Swagger draped over the bottom rope. Swagger when went for an ankle lock, but Christian escaped.

Christian climbed up top, but Swagger met him up top. They both strugged for a moment, but Christian ended up shoving Swagger down. Christian followed up with a Frog Splash for the victory.

Christian defeated Jack Swagger at 2:49.

Barnett's Brief: Nothing spectactular there, but nothing bad either. Christian needed a tune up, and Swagger needs a makeover. He's got nowhere to go from here with his current character.

Lilian introduced Ari Cohen and Mike Testa. They cut a brutal promo with a knock knock joke about the end of Ryback. It was worse than it sounds.

[Q7] 5. Ryback vs. Ari Cohen and Mike Testa: Ryback grabbed one guy by the throat and threw him out of the ring. The other guy jumped on his back, but he got powerbombed to the other side of the planet. Ryback then grabbed the Testa guy from the floor and threw him into Cohen with a fallaway slam. He then stacked both guys for a splash in the corner and clotheslined both of them afterwards. Ryback then hit his Musclebuster on both guys for the win.

Ryback defeated Ari Cohen and Mike Testa at 1:58.

Barnett's Brief: Well, he killed them again. Hope you guys weren't hoping for an upset.

Tyson Kidd was in the ring, and they recapped his confrontation with Damien Sandow last week. Sandow then made his entrance. He cut a promo about releasing people from the shackles of their false idols. He called Kidd an ignoramus, and said he will not learn the consequences of undermining his and all of our enlightenments.

6. Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd: Sandow hit a side russian leg sweep and rolled through. Kidd rolled out to the apron. Sandow tried to pull him back in, but Kidd hit a kick. Kidd then hit a moonsault onto a standing Sandow for two. Kidd went for a sharpshooter, but Sandow kicked him into the turnbuckles. Sandow then followed up with some knees and his straightjacket neckbeaker for the three count.

Damien Sandow defeated Tyson Kidd at 1:02.

Barnett's Brief: Decent match that could have been better if it wasn't so short. Kidd is so smooth in the ring that I'd like to see him get an actual opportunity to work a bit on TV.

[Q8] A Raw Moment aired with Michael Cole in England where he made Jim Ross kiss his Royal Feet. The announce team then went over the No Way Out card, and then recapped what was said earlier by The Big Show. John Cena was then shown walking backstage. He kicked in John Laurinitis' office, and found nothing...[c]

John Cena's music hit and he headed out into the arena to great applause. Cena apologized for being late. He said he wasn't supposed to be there. He mentioned some local place for a cheap pop and said he as on his way there when his boy called him and told him Big Show called him out. He said he was in the middle of the ring and he was there to answer Big Show, but he couldn't find him. John Laurinitis' music hit, and he headed out to the ring.

Laurinitis said what happened on Monday was all Cena's fault. The WWE Board of Directors issued an edict that the Main Event at No Way Out would go on no matter what, and for talent safety reasons he sent Big Show home. Cena said that makes Ace #1 on his list of people to knock out. Ace then threatened to fire him if he put his hands on him. Cena pointed out that he just said that the Main Event of NWO would happen no matter what, so he couldn't fire him.

Laurinitis then said he beat Cena before and embarassed him, and he would have no problem doing it again. Cena then called Ace an embarassment, and said that his entire reign as general manager has been an embarassment to the company, and that he better hope his bet on the Big Show pays off. Laurinitis then said that if Big Show wins, the first thing he would do on Monday is fire John Cena. Cena then said that no matter what happens on Sunday one of us is gone. He then punched Laurinitis in the face and posed over him to close the show.

Barnett's Brief: Well, they are opening up the bag of tricks about as far open as humanly possible to sell this PPV. There are no more levers to pull. McMahon will be at ringside, one of the major characters will get fired no matter the outcome, and it all takes place inside of a steel cage. It's too bad it still feels like a shiny wrapper on the same lackluster TV dinner we've been force fed for several months. John Cena needs a change. He's lost all the thunder he gained from WrestleMania, where he appeared to be branching out as a character, and we're right back to poopy and wristbands. Maybe getting fired and spending some time off of TV is the answer.

Do you have questions, comments or concerns? Contact me at or on twitter @barnettjake.

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