4/27 Twilling's WWE NXT Live Coverage: Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett vs. Christian and Heath Slater, next all rookies competition, will this finally be the week for Daniel Bryan?

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
Apr 27, 2010 - 09:00 PM

By Rich Twilling

WWE NXT on the Syfy Network
Taped earlier tonight in Hershey, Penn.

[Q1] The opening video aired and fireworks lit up the stage. Matt Striker and the rookies stood in the ring. Striker introduced each rookie. Justin Gabriel received the loudest pop and David Otunga received the most heat...

Striker said tonight the test was going to be the likability of the rookies. Each rookie will sell merchandise in the audience and whomever ends up with the most cash will earn a match against a WWE pro of their choice next week...

Twill's Two Cents: Each contestant is going to get a minute? Holy crap this is going to be boring.

Skip Sheffield started the contest and he was to sell programs for $15 a piece. He sold four of them and ended up with $60. Christian's music hit and tonight's main event will be underway early into tonight's show... [C]

While Jericho and Barrett made their entrance, Slater's win over Jericho was shown from last week. Yes, Cole made the lame "Christian Slater" team name reference...

1. Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett defeated Christian and Heath Slater in 3:03. Barrett and Jericho worked over Christian. Christian countered a bulldog with a reverse DDT. Slater tagged in and nearly pinned Jericho again.

Barrett broke up the pin attempt. Christian hit a slingshot flying cross body to the floor onto Barrett. Jericho was nearly pinned by Slater again the same way he did it last week. Jericho kicked out and hit the Codebreaker for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: A little disappointing in that this could have carried the in ring action of the show. I didn't think they needed to let Jericho get his win back against Slater, but they did it.

[Q2] Daniel Bryan was up next in the competition. He made no money because the gave away about ten programs for free. He kept saying "Down with capitalism!" ...

Footage was shown of Darren Young winning his match last week. In the parking lot, Carlito told Michael Tarver he needs to start paying attention to the little things. He had Tarver carry his bags into the arena. Tarver was pissed but did it... [C]

Twill's Two Cents: Maybe Tarver will be available to work for Ted DiBiase after he is the first rookie eliminated.

Did you know? NXT has been the number one Tuesday night show on Syfy since it debuted. Wow...

Justin Gabriel was up next and fortunately for him, he was in a section where everyone was willing to spend their money. I'll tell you right now he is going to win. He didn't even have to move. He sold 22 programs and made $330...

A Michael Tarver "What the pros think of him" video was shown. Most of them said he was the lowest guy on the list and have not seen anything from him. Carlito said he needs to listen to him to be number one...

Twill's Two Cents: Those comments were way too friendly because Tarver has not done shit since the show started.

2. Darren Young (with Luke Gallows and Serena) defeated Michael Tarver (with Carlito) in 2:45. Tarver hit a rewind body slam for a two count. Tarver then worked over the shoulder of Young.

[Q3] Young fought back with a few high profile moves. They fought to the floor and Tarver regained the advantage. Gallows interfered on behalf of Young and Young hit the full nelson suplex for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Tarver looked better in the ring than he has. Predictable finish leading to a more intrigue within the Straight Edge Society.

They recalculated Gabriel's total and it was down to $210, which means he only sold 14. Otunga was up and he had two kids sell the programs for him because "Celebrities don't do manual labor." The kids did a nice job and Striker said there would be a total for Otunga after the break... [C]

The Raw Rewind ran down every draft pick and then the triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship, which once again is Batista...

A Justin Gabriel video aired. Everyone put over his 450 finisher. Punk said his biggest detriment was having Matt Hardy as a mentor because all he will learn from Matt is how to Facebook and Twitter...

Twill's Two Cents: Hilarious!

Backstage, Truth and Otunga discussed last week's match. Otunga said Truth could have helped him but Truth said he doesn't play like that. He instructed Otunga to stay on the porch if he cannot run with the big dogs... [C]

[Q4] Apparently, Otunga took the lead with $315. Heath Slater was up next. He seemed to do well, but he did not beat Otunga. I said nobody would pass Gabriel, and his original total would have been the highest.

Darren Young struggled and said he wanted to face C.M. Punk. He did not beat Otunga either. Tarver was pissed about losing the match and said WWE should sell him, he should not be selling the product. He dropped the bag and took off...

Twill's Two Cents: Is this his gimmick or is he doing this on his own?

Wade Barrett said he has already proven he is the top rookie. He won his match tonight and took the change money Striker gave to him and left...

Twill's Two Cents: Now that was a cool way to back out of the competition.

The Miz vs. Skip Sheffield was hyped for after the break... [C]

A Daniel Bryan video aired. Punk said Bryan being number one is dead on. Jericho said he was already a star. Regal said he was very good. Miz talked him down a little bit. Matt Hardy said he needed a personality. Hardy of all people made a comment about personality? ...

[Overrun] David Otunga won the contest and revealed he would face R-Truth next week on NXT...

The Miz made his entrance and footage was shown of the punch he took from Big Show last night. Give him credit, he took that thing solid. His face was red and swollen...

Miz grabbed a mic and said it was painful for him to talk. He said he would not be able to compete tonight. He ordered Daniel Bryan to take his place...

3. Skip Sheffield (with William Regal) defeated Daniel Bryan (with The Miz) in 1:07. Bryan grounded Skip early but Skip powered out. He hit his finisher, which was a sitting jawbreaker for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Bad show tonight. The competition was terrible. Bryan was not competitive yet again, and the big match only lasted three minutes. Only two more weeks until an elimination. Please let it come quickly.

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