3/11 Shore's WWE Superstars Live Coverage: Santino Marella vs. Zack Ryder, Christian and MVP vs. Carlito and Chavo Guerrero, Mike Knox vs. Goldust, and Shelton Benjamin vs. Dolph Ziggler

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
By By Chris Shore
Mar 11, 2010 - 07:00 PM

Superstars on WGN America
Taped in Portland, Ore and Seattle, Wash.

[Q1] The opening video aired, followed by the pyro, and Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcomed us to Superstars. Dolph Ziggler’s music hit and he made his ring entrance. Benjamin was out next…

1. Dolph Ziggler defeated Shelton Benjamin at 3:39. Zigler got the sleeper hold on 30 seconds in, but Benjamin snapmared out. Ziggler hit a running Fameassor for two in response. He did his hair flip jumping elbow for another near fall and locked in a chin lock. Benjamin escaped and hit a Samoan drop for two. He set Ziggler on the ropes and ran up the buckle. They botched the move and both men hit the top rope, though Ziggler got the worst. Ziggler ducked a clothesline and hit the Zig Zag for two. Ziggler was shocked, but came right back with the sleeper for the knockout win…The announce team hyped the tag team main event…[C]

Shore’s Slant: Our correspondent said this match ended very quickly with very little crowd response. They piped in response, but it did end abruptly. I hope that botched move didn’t cause this, and I sure hope that it doesn’t cost one of them Wrestlemania.

Back from commercial, Mike Knox was already in the ring. Damn. Goldust made his ring entrance…

2. Goldust defeated Mike Knox at 2:30. Knox beat on Goldust and hit the drop kick for two. Goldust got a punch in, and hit the bulldog for two. Knox came back and hit the flying bear.

[Q2] Goldust came back and hit the Final Cut for the win…A video package recapped NXT from this week…[C]

Shore’s Slant: I’m really trying to stay cool here. Can somebody please explain to me why the 300 pound man who hit a drop kick and cross body block lost? Anyone? No? I didn’t think so.

Back from commercial, the Wrestlemania recall video was Goldberg vs. Lesner with Austin as referee from Wrestlemania XX…Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler took over on commentary and Santino made his ring entrance…Damn…Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes were out next…

3. Zack Ryder (w/Rosa Mendes) defeated Santino Marella at 3:09. Santino scored a few deep arm drags. He tried for a monkey flip in the corner, but Ryder held on to the ropes. He followed with a neckbreaker for two. Ryder worked strikes and Santno Hulked up. He split ducked a clothesline and hit a hip toss. He setup the Cobra, and actually hit it on Ryder. Rosa distracted the ref, and Ryder hit a hangman on the top rope. He followed with the leg lariat and Zack Attack for the win…[C]

Shore’s Slant: Well, at least I got to see Santino. For those of you who don’t understand the jargon, this is exactly what we mean by a throwaway segment.

[Q3] A Batista hype video aired…The Raw Rebound video recapped the Batista vs. Cena feud…The announce team ran down the Wrestlemania 26 card…MVP made his ring entrance. Christian and his tool were out next…[C]

Shore’s Slant: Three matches in the first half hour, and then a solid ten minutes of video. Fun show.

Back from commercial, Carlito and Michael Tarver were making their ring entrance, followed by Chavo…

4. MVP and Christian (w/Heath Slater) defeated Chavo Guerrero and Carlito (w/Michael Tarver) at 12:59. MVP and Chavo started. MVP hit a flying punch for two and tagged on Christian. Chavo escaped and tagged in Carlito. Carlito spilled Christian to the floor as Slater looked on with a worried expression…[C]

Back at 6:22, Carlito had a rest hold on Christian. Christian escaped, but Carlito hit the springboard back elbow for two. Carlito went to the second rope, but Christian got the feet up. MVP tagged in and worked his moveset on Carlito, including the Balling Elbow. Chavo grabbed Carlito’s leg and drug him to the floor. MVP hit a baseball slide that took out both men. MVP rolled Carlito in the ring, but Chavo got MVP as he tried to get back in. Chavo tagged in and hit a body slam for two.

A “Chavo sucks” chant started, and he tagged in Carlito. Carlito worked MVP in the corner, but MVP started coming back. He slammed Carlito on his face and got the tag to Christian at 10:57. Chavo got the tag too, and Christian worked his move set him. Chavo reversed a sunset flip into a pin attempt and followed with Three Amigos. Christian blocked the last one and hit a reverse DDT.

Christian covered, but Carlito broke the count. MVP ran in and took them both out. Christian tried for the Kill Switch, but Chavo reversed into a Gory Bomb. He went to the top, but missed the frog splash. Christian hit the Kill Switch for the win. The faces celebrated to end the show…[C]

Shore’s Slant: This match was pretty good, but my eyeballs were bleeding by the time we got to it. Heath Slater managed to make faces like a valet which may have been the best part of the match. I’m going to reserve judgment on this match until the hitlist because it’s so soil by the shit that was on before it, I don’t think I can be fair. Check out the hitlist tomorrow. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you then.

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