WWE drug testing results - A breakdown by drug type

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Jan 3, 2009 - 03:43 AM

According to a report released by the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, WWE issued 505 drug tests (an average of 4.2 samples per talent) to performers from July 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008. Of the positive tests, 73 percent were for marijuana, 16 percent were for anabolic steroids, and 11 percent were for stimulants. To read the report, visit

Powell's POV: Perhaps the high percentage of positive marijuana tests helps explain why WWE officials have been cracking down on repeat offenders in recent months. However, if they eliminated the positive marijuana tests in WWE, then the percentage of positive tests for steroids and stimulants would increase, right? So if you really think about it, the positive marijuana tests are a blessing in disguise for WWE. Wait, does that make sense? I'm confused. Oh, just shut up and pass the Cheetos, dude.

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