WWE Royal Rumble onsite report: Batista tells the crowd "I'm going to WrestleMania, deal with it", detailed notes on the live crowd chants and reactions

Posted in: WWE News
Jan 27, 2014 - 01:55 PM

Dot Net reader Mark Logan attended the WWE Royal Rumble in Pittsburgh, Pa. and sent the following report.

We arrived at the venue around 7:00 and they started letting people in the door right about the same time. The crowd was pretty pumped up already waiting in the cold to get in. Loud "Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks" chants outside.

We found our seats pretty quickly, we were sitting in the lower bowl, right below the Wrestlemania XXX sign and right off to the side of the kick off panel.

Michael Cole was already at the announcers table when we made it into the arena. At the start of the show Justin Roberts introduced the announce team, JBL then made his entrance to a good reaction, followed by Jerry Lawler who received a nice pop followed by "Jerry" chants.

The New Age Outlaws were over HUGE for the Pittsburgh crowd. They received a loud pop and everyone was into the introduction they do as well. The title change was very unexpected, but everyone around me loved it. It's going to be interesting to see where the New Age Outlaws go from here.

I never realized how impressive the YES! chant was until now, being there in the crowd, pumping my arms along with Daniel Bryan, and chanting YES along with the entire Consol Center is something I will not forget anytime soon.

The Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt was easily the best match of the night as far as I see it. The Rumble itself was a blast, but as far as in-ring action I have to go with this one.

Everyone was really into the back and forth action and the near falls. I also don't know how it came across on TV but there was a nice sized "Holy Shit" chant for both Daniel Bryan's running tornado DDT off the apron, as well as Bray Wyatt's Sister Abigail into the barricade. Also, "This is awesome" chants multiple times throughout.

Everyone was disappointed that Bryan didn't pick up the win, however I feel they were more accepting of it because everyone assumed that he would be in the Rumble later that night.

The feeling that I got from the crowd was that not too many people cared one way or the other regarding the Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show match, the crowd seemed more quite here than they did for anything else in the show. The F5 on Big Show got a nice reaction but that was pretty much it. During the post show beat down, the people around me were asking if we could just have the Rumble now, not even paying attention to Lesnar and Show. Near the end of the segment though a small group of people tried to start up a "One more Chair" chant. Funny.

The crowd was pissed when they started to air the Hewitt Jackson Commercial during the event.

Both John Cena and Randy Orton had major go away heat. My friend that attended the event with me was in complete shock over the crowd reaction during the WWE Heavyweight Championship match because he had never seen anything like that before. I side with the crowd on this one.

The chants that got started throughout the Cena and Orton match include "Daniel Bryan" at least four times. "We Want Angle," "Randy Savage," "Y2J," "You Both Suck," "This is Awful," "We Want Divas," and last but not least "End This Match!"

The crowd was more entertained by the wave they got going during the match over anything that Cena and Orton did in the ring. The most positive reaction that the match received was when the Wyatt Family glitch occurred and the place went dark. Once the match had ended, loud "YES!" chants echoed throughout the arena because the match was finally over. After the match when the Wyatt's were dismantling Cena, they were treated like heroes! The crowd absolutely loved it and made it known with their "Thank you Wyatt's chant."

Finally it was time for the Rumble, the crowd popped big for Justin Roberts when it announced it was time for the match. The superstars that received the largest pops during the match were C.M. Punk, Dolph Ziggler, and Sheamus.

Other notable spots during the Rumble that got a positive reaction was Alexander Rusev's debut, the crowd was impressed with his initial flurry. Also, Kofi Kingston's leap from the barricade to the ring, and Antonio Cesaro's swing on Seth Rollins. 27 rotations, we counted.

Everyone crapped all over Rey Mysterio during his entrance because he wasn't Daniel Bryan, the reaction to the match went pretty sour from there. Punk getting eliminated the way he did was seen coming from a mile away, because you could see Kane hiding ringside throughout almost the entire match. There was one point when he even got up and moved to another corner of the barricade to hide from the camera view.

The arena was BEGGING for Roman Reigns to win the Rumble. We didn't get Bryan like we wanted, and everyone hated the idea of Batista winning the Rumble. When Reigns was tossed out everyone just crapped all over Batista.

From where I can tell the as far as when the pay-per-view went off the air based on Jason Powell's report, shortly after the show ended, Batista posed for a bit longer on the turnbuckle, mouthing to the crowd "I'm going to Wrestlemania, Deal with it."

After that he got out of the ring and started to head back up the ramp, he shook hands with a lot of people at ringside, but there was one guy in a CM Punk t-shirt that got Batista's middle finger right in his face. He must have said something the big guy didn't like.

Once Batista reached the top of the ramp on the stage, he turned around and raised his hands in victory, he then took a bow, and followed that up with trying to mock a "YES" chant. The crowd crapped on him even more for it.

Justin Roberts then thanked everyone for coming, they would be in Pittsburgh again in June for a Smackdown taping, and for everyone to drive safe back home. Overall, I had a blast at the show. It was my first Rumble and counting down to each entrant was a blast along with chanting YES! along with Bryan, I am definitely concerned now with the direction we are going into Mania, but the experience itself was still fantastic.

Biggest Pops
1. Daniel Bryan
2. The New Age Outlaws
3. CM Punk
4. The Wyatt Family (When they ended the Cena/Orton Match)
5. Sheamus
6. Dolph Zigglar

Most Heat
1. John Cena
2. Randy Orton
3. Batista
4. The Jackson Hewitt tax commercial
5. Rey Mysterio
6. The Miz

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