WWE News: Triple H and Shawn Michaels are down on the idea of inducting Bill Goldberg into the WWE Hall of Fame, Hunter says he's heard nothing about Goldberg returning for WrestleMania 27

Nov 15, 2010 - 01:24 PM

Triple H and Shawn Michaels were asked in an interview about the possibility of Bill Goldberg returning at WrestleMania 27. "Bill's trying to get into the Hall of Fame," Hunter said. "If there's a rumor about him coming back, he probably started it. I've not seen any mention of his name."

Regarding the WWE Hall of Fame, Hunter added: "We call a guy to honor him in the Hall of Fame, and he goes, 'I want to do an angle. I want a one-off. I need a hundred grand.' So when you say, 'What about Goldberg?', no offense to Bill, but you've got guys like Bruno Samartino that were legends with longevity that should be in there, but they're holding out because they think they've got one more run. Just using Bill as an example, how many years did he wrestle? Not many."

Michael added: "To me, he's not even in the ball park. Not because he's not talented, but greatness doesn't happen in a few years. Greatness is established over a long period of time. We try to promote people and get them over, but you can't do it that quickly. In our line of work, there are other qualities that make somebody viable besides just whether they're tough or not. In every other line of work -- like if you're a lineman who can't play, everybody knows you can't play." To read the full interview, visit

Powell's POV: I can't disagree with anything they had to say about Goldberg's longevity. That's the issue that would prevent me from voting for Goldberg in a legitimate Hall of Fame vote. However, this is the WWE Hall of Fame, and we all know there are some people in the company's Hall of Fame that would never make the cut if induction were determined in a manner similar to methods used to determine induction into the baseball or football halls of fame.

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