WWE News: Fan arrested at Randy Orton's hometown autograph signing

Posted in: WWE News
May 19, 2011 - 04:15 PM

Randy Orton signed autographs at a Wal-Mart in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. Dot Net reader Allie Amsinger sent the following report:

I got there about 5:30 p.m. and the appearance was supposed to start 6:00 p.m. However, the signing didn't actually start until 6:30 p.m. because Randy Orton was late. Anyway, what you were supposed to do before you got to see Randy Orton was purchase the movie and they would staple a ticket, to see him, to the receipt. With only 300 copies of the movie you had to get it early or otherwise you wouldn't be able to see him.

When I got to the appearance a fight broke out between a manager at the Wal-Mart (the location for the his hometown!) and a customer with his kid. The thing was that the customer didn't have the movie and they were already out of it by 3:00pm. The customer became very belligerent and tried to get into the line. After a few choice words between the two, the manager called over a police officer and told the cop to make the man leave.

The man was arrested and told that if he came back during the signing that he would be banned from the Wal-Mart. However, the man kept it up and continued to set a bad example for his son, who was about 5 or 6 years old, and was told that he no longer welcome at the Wal-Mart anymore...Ouch!

So after that, I got in line which was wrapped around the store...maybe about 10 aisles. They made sure that everyone who was in line had the movie and the ticket. I actually was standing in front of a woman and her two children, who works at the tanning salon that Randy goes to. She and her family live only about a street away from him. I, personally, thought that was cool.

All of the sudden there was a loud "RKO" chant and according to people I talked to afterwards they said he got up and did his pose that he does in the corners of the ring. That happened as he was walking into the building. Everyone got a big kick out of it. The chant seemed to go on for the entire signing. Since the signing was taking so long the family behind me and the one behind them were sending one person to go and get sodas and popcorn.

All throughout the aisles there was trash where people had left wrappers and empty soda bottles. Also, someone in the electronics aisle decided he was bored and turned on one of the stereos...everyone thought it was pretty funny because all of the sudden there manager came over and started asking who did it but then started dancing. It was absolutely hilarious!

Then, the line started moving again but not before the security came back around and demanded to see the tickets because people were sneaking into the line without a ticket or the movie. Once we all got checked, they let the line continue to move.

The line took about 4 1/2 hours to get through the line for me. But when I got up to him, he was really nice and personable. He asked me how I was and if I enjoyed the movie. I told him I was doing well and that I had just purchased it. Randy smiled and then took a picture with me. Right after I got to take a picture with him and get an autograph, Randy was asked if he wanted the line cut off but he said that he would stay as long as people wanted to meet him, including the people who didn't have a ticket or movie.

I think that's great when a Superstar would stay until everyone has an autograph and happy. He tried also to talk to each fan and get to know them. Eventually, the store started freaking out because the line was still about 3 long aisles deep but he persisted enough that they let him go and continued signing. After I heard that I left. Overall though, I thought it was a great time and would totally do it again!

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