Dot Net WWE News - Who made the pitch to put Koko B. Ware in the WWE Hall of Fame?

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Mar 13, 2009 - 03:51 PM

Raw lead writer Brian Gewirtz made a humorous pitch for inducting Koko B. Ware into the WWE Hall of Fame. A source notes that even Vince McMahon seemed surprised by the pitch initially, but he came around when Gewirtz mentioned the idea of creating synergy between Ware's Hall of Fame induction and the "Legends of WrestleMania" video game.

Powell's POV: Fans are not the only people puzzled by Ware's induction. There are plenty of people within the company who are still scratching their heads over this decision. The feeling of many people is that Ware's career doesn't justify his induction, and several industry sources have stated that there are countless others who are more deserving of the spot that Ware is getting.

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