Dot Net WWE News - Creative plans that were discussed for Edge before he was injured

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Jul 8, 2009 - 02:39 PM

WWE creative had discussions regarding an Edge babyface turn before he suffered an Achilles injury over the weekend. Multiple sources report that the babyface turn was a long-term plan and was not something that was on the verge of happening. Likewise, it was still in the discussion stage meaning plans could have changed.

Powell's POV: One possible scenario that was discussed was Edge's turn starting around Royal Rumble time so that he would enter WrestleMania 26 as a full fledged babyface for the first time in several years. It will be interesting to see whether WWE jumps right into his babyface turn once he comes back given that the fans will likely give him a babyface reaction following the post-surgery layoff.

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