Dot Net Exclusive notes on Shelton Benjamin pressure, Great Khali's future

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Aug 7, 2008 - 12:00 PM

-Shelton Benjamin is getting pressure to step up his game and he appears to be responding nicely. The feeling on Benjamin is that he's a great athlete who could be a better in-ring performer if he were motivated and applied himself.

-The company strategy with Great Khali might be to get as much out of him while they still can. His knees continue to give him problems and there are those within the company who don't believe he'll be with the company for the long haul.

Powell's POV: Shelton has a reputation within management for being too comfortable and doing enough to get by rather than striving to get better. Company officials don't necessarily see him as a main event player, but they feel he could at least be an upper-mid-card performer.

Khali wasn't aggressive in his rehab for his last round of knee surgeries and it may have cost him. He struggles just to get around these days and there are serious questions regarding his long term future in the business.

Dot Net members received the first look at this news yesterday. They currently have access to Jason Powell's one-on-one interview with former WWE Diva Dawn Marie, which was conducted on Wednesday. For signup information, check out the Dot Net Members' Signup Page.

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