Dot Net Exclusive WWE News: Batista frustrated with his push, but are people taking his retirement talk seriously?

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
Sep 17, 2008 - 11:10 AM

Batista was talking about taking some time off recently, in part because he was frustrated with the push he was getting. He seems to believe that he's a notch below the top tier performers and he believes he should be pushed like a true main eventer. There is some suspicion that Batista's win over John Cena at SummerSlam was an attempt to placate him.

Powell's POV: There are still rumblings that Batista isn't happy with his push and could still take time off. In other words, if having him go over on Cena was intended to pacify him, it didn't last long. Although Batista has spoken in recent months about retiring in a year or two, the feeling is that he's enough of a free spender that he might choose to stick around longer to maintain his current lifestyle.

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