Bret Hart comments on the Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match that took place at WrestleMania 25, criticizes John Cena for his views on a pro wrestling union

Posted in: WWE News
By By Jason Powell
May 7, 2009 - 10:15 PM

Bret Hart offered rare praise for Shawn Michaels for the match he had with Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 during an interview with the UK Sun. "I’ll be the first to say that I thought Taker vs. Shawn was the best match at WrestleMania, maybe one of the best matches I’ve seen in years," Hart told the UK Sun. "To a certain degree, I was proud of both of them. I never take away the fact that Shawn was a great wrestler and he did a lot of great stuff. I’ve always been really proud of the match we had in Anaheim, when I dropped the title to him.”

Hart also criticized John Cena over comments he made regarding a wrestlers' union. "When Chris Benoit died he was on 'Larry King' and somebody asked him if wrestlers need a union – and he shot that down and said 'no.' The truth is only an idiot would say wrestlers don’t need a union, because we do! But it is hard not to take that company position and be a company guy when you’re on the team later. I was in his shoes and you try and do the best you can. As far as his career and how they’re using him – he’s better off working with them and doing everything the way he’s doing it." To hear the full interview, visit the UK Sun.

Powell's POV: It's good to see that Bret can be objective enough when it comes to Shawn that he'll praise his in-ring work. Does it seem strange to anyone else that we've heard as much about the Taker vs. Shawn classic as we have from anyone on WWE television? As for Cena, he's a top guy making great money. As I noted earlier today, the hardest part of forming a union would be convincing guys in Cena's position that there is a need for a union and that it's worth rocking the boat over.

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