7/5 WWE Raw onsite report: Notes on whether John Cena or Randy Orton was more over with the Nashville crowd, Cena and Orton face Edge and Sheamus in the dark main event

Posted in: WWE News
Jul 6, 2010 - 01:50 PM

Dot Net reader Jason Allman attended the WWE Raw show in Nashville, Tenn. on Monday and passed along the following report.

The first thing I noticed as I sat down was how much merchandise John Cena sells. You would think that it was a UT pep rally with how many orange shirts were in the audience.

The Nexus got tons of heat. The only other heels to get a lot of real heat were Chris Jericho and The Miz. Sheamus got some, but nothing like those guys. Edge got a very strong reaction, but it was very split.

I have read that Randy Orton is getting more of a pop than Cena. He didn't in Nashville. He got the second strongest, but nothing compared to Cena's. I was also surprised to see the amount of grown men cheering for Cena. I've always been under the assumption that his fans were predominantly children and women, but it seemed pretty level to me.

None of the other faces received a pop even close to Cena and Orton's, but R-Truth received the third loudest. The crowd didn't seem to know how to react to Orton RKO'ing Evan Bourne. I don't know how Darren Young going into the turnbuckle looked on TV, but it was a pretty sick bump live.

Dark Match main event

1. John Cena and Randy Orton defeated Sheamus and Edge. Orton and Cena got the pin with simultaneous finishers.

The only other note I have is the amount of ads for WrestleMania 27. I don't know if they do that everywhere or because we're in the South. This was my first Raw since I don't know when, but Rob Van Dam had Ric Flair in his corner against Triple H if that gives you an idea.

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