12/5 WWE Superstars spoilers: Ongoing coverage of the taping for Thursday's online show (spoilers)

Posted in: WWE News
Dec 5, 2011 - 07:34 PM

Dot Net reader Robbie is at the WWE Raw show in Tampa, Fla. and is sending updates on the WWE Superstars taping. You must refresh the page for the latest updates.

Dark Match

1. The Uso Brothers defeated Tyler Reks and JTG (w/Curt Hawkins). Curt Hawkins escorted Reks and JTG. I don't watch Superstars so I don't know if he is their manager or not but he played the part in this match. There was a decent "Let's go Usos!" chant. Each Uso hit a superkick and JTG got knocked out of the ring. Tyler Reks was KO'd in the middle of the ring. One of the Usos hit a Superfly splash and won after about four minutes. Decent opener. The crowd was behind the Usos. The Superstars broadcast team was introduced after the match so I guess this was a dark match.

WWE Superstars Taping

1. Mason Ryan defeated Drew McIntyre. I was expecting a complete squash, but it was a competitive five-minute match. Drew McIntyre showed great intensity throughout, but Mason Ryan caught him in the Master Lock coming off the top rope. He then hit a full nelson slam for the win. Mason Ryan received a good pop for the win.

2. Epico (w/Rosa Mendes, Primo) defeated Evan Bourne. Very good 12-minute match with lots of near falls and athleticism. Bourne got the biggest reaction of the night so far. The crowd when nuts when he went up top for Air Bourne, but Primo distracted him giving Epico time to recover. Epico hit the Back Stabber for the win. This match may actually worth checking out Superstars.

Michael Cole came out for Raw with his Slammy Awards to massive heat. Jerry Lawler was introduced and got the standard good applause.

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