TNA in Sedalia, Mo.: Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan, Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me for the TNA Tag Titles, Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky for the TNA Knockouts Title, Brian Kendrick vs. Jeff Jarrett

Posted in: TNA Live Events
Oct 30, 2010 - 10:20 AM

10/28 TNA live event
Sedalia, Mo.
Report by Dot Net reader Phil Friess

This was my first TNA Wrestling show and first wrestling show in quite some time. Don West had his brown bag special as usual and had backstage passes for sale before the show. Before the show the Motor City Machine Guns were signing autographs. I noticed that Atlas security was running things as well.
The show started with the host of TNA, Jeremy Borash. He came out and did his usual loudest people get backstage passes. Someone from the back informed him that he wouldn't be able to do that. Borash said that someone would have to pry them out of his hands. Out came Magnus. Not really sure why Magnus would care one way or another, but he took them from Borash (or rather JB handed them to him). Eric Young came out to save the day.
1. Eric Young defeated Magnus. The backstage passes were on the line. It started out as a comedy match and fairly slow, but a good way to start the show. Eric Young pinned Magnus to allow fans to go backstage at intermission.

2. A.J. Styles and Kazarian defeated Ink Inc. What was surprising was that AJ had been announced as being in the main event. I just figured he might pull double duty, as I found it odd to have AJ be in the second match. This match started quickly with a few early near pinfalls, but than slowed down. In the end AJ and Kazarian beat Ink Inc. AJ's tattoo doesn't look as big as it does on television.

3. Madison Rayne beat Velvet Sky to retain the TNA Knockouts Title. Earl Hebner came out as the ref. He had his shirt on underneath his ref shirt that read, "Yeah I did it," which really didn't draw much reaction from the crowd. It was a straightforward match with Hebner kissing Madison Rayne at one point. In the end Madison cheated to retain her title in what was the best match so far.

4. The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Generation Me to retain the TNA Tag Titles. This was the match of the night. The crowd was fairly hot for this one, with a lot of action. Generation Me are getting better as heels, and the Guns are very over with the crowd. The end saw the MCMG retain their titles.
At this point was intermission and Don West went back to making deals. Earl and Brian Hebner were signing autographs at the merch table while Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne signed next to them. All were very nice, especially Brian. I met Don West and got his autograph and mentioned I used to watch him on Shop at Home network. He was pretty impressed. As intermission was about to end, a couple chairs were placed close to the entrance and Harley Race came out and sat down. He was backstage hanging out and then sat there for a bit, and I went over and said hi. I don't think he wanted to be noticed, so he left shortly after.
The second half of the show began with JB informing us that Jeff Jarret was going to come out and talk. True to his word, he did and announced that while Jeff Hardy is here, that he won't compete tonight. That was by order of the Immortals and nobody could do anything to stop him. Cue Brian Kendrick. Not sure why it was him, but whatever. Jarrett went to the back, but JB announced that if Jarret doesn't come back by the 10 count he would lose and be suspended. I'm not sure who authorized that since Jarrett represents the controlling power of TNA at this show, but anyways.

5. Jeff Jarrett defeated Brian Kendrick. It was a decent match which surprised me since I wouldn't think that they would have much chemistry. The crowd was into it as I think they knew that Hardy was about to wrestle. The match was good and I believe that Jarrett got the win.

Matt Morgan came out. He talked about how we all paid to see Jeff Hardy but its not the same one he used to be. He challenged Jeff Hardy to a non-title match. Jeff Hardy came out, and the place went wild. So much for a heel turn.

6. Matt Morgan defeated Jeff Hardy in a non-title match. The match was fairly short and a bit disappointing as it was supposed to be a three-way match for the title between Hardy, Styles, and the Pope (who never appeared despite being in the commercial). Matt Morgan got the pin, and the night was over. The fans were mixed on Morgan getting the victory, but I guess they were testing waters for Morgan and Hardy.
Afterward, Matt Morgan took pictures in the ring as many superstars came back out to sign - Ink Inc., Alex Shelly, Generation Me, Brian Kendrick, Magnus, and some others. A fan was cursing at Kendrick for something and Kendrick told him to stop, kids were present. He eventually got JB to come over to talk to the guy.

Notes: As Morgan was leaving, he was in a lot of pain it appeared or he was selling so he didn't have to sign. I didn't go backstage, but at one point I did see D-Lo Brown on hand. A few people thought that Matt Hardy was backstage watching the Jeff Hardy match, but I don't believe it was him. Regardless, security was telling people to watch the match and D-Lo was told to stand in front of the curtain to block people from looking back.
Overall, it was a fun show. The actual wrestling was a bit off, but the entertainment, and the overall environment made up for it so it was well worth the money. I will see them again when they come back. I would estimate about 500-700 people were there, with about maybe 100-200 getting free tickets. So I think it was a success.

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