7/2 TNA in Brooklyn, N.Y.: Jeff Hardy and Abyss told they couldn't brawl on the stadium field by ring announcer Jeremy Borash, Team 3D score home area love, Homicide works despite his injury angle on television

Posted in: TNA Live Events
Jul 3, 2010 - 10:15 AM

TNA house show
Brooklyn, N.Y. at MCU Field (outdoors)
Report by Dot Net reader Ian Elimeliah

The Stadium in Brooklyn was close to being packed. Tons of WWE tees and old ECW tees. No WCW and barely any TNA shirts, but after the night was over that fact changed. So lets go to the video tape.

1. Amazing Red beat Jay Lethal, Homicide, and Brian Kendrick in a four-way. I missed this match because my buddy was stuck on the F train.

2. Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne in a non-title match. First, I must say how hot these two woman are! Madison dominated and Love did her finisher and won.
Non-title match, of course.

Jeff Jarrett thanked the crowd for coming...I thought that would be cheesy, but it was a great thank you to us. He mentioned all the names that built the company in the eight years and mentioned the fortune of signing Kurt Angle...From there I happened to scream that he only brought Kurt in to take Karen...The crowd around me liked that.

3. Jeff Hardy over Abyss in a monsters ball match. Abyss is okay, I guess. Throwing chairs lazily isn't being a monster...its hanging out with RVD 420 type monster. Aybss needs a fire under his ass...he seems like he had no passion tonight. Jeff Hardy is the man!!!! He tried to start this Hardcore match in the field but Jeremy Borash awkwardly told them to get in the ring...strange. Jeff looked awesome in person but Abyss is a bore. I feel like he'd bore me if he had a gun to Jeff's head. Kane took off the mask. Jeff won via Swanton. After Jeff came to my side of the stadium and I took some cool close up pics with my iPhone 4 =P

4. Kurt Angle defeated Desmond Wolfe. This was a short match but it wasn't TV short thank goodness. Both Kurt and Nigel looked great!! They had their usual match but I am not bored by it at all! Kurt won with the ankle lock.

Intermission was fun!! Angelina and Madison were signing autographs as Don West was selling everything as fast as he could. I'm in sales myself and he impressed me!!! Don West Rules!

5. Team 3D beat Ink Inc. in a tables match Team 3D was amazing to see rock the crowd!! They ran on the dugout and all over to all the fans! Ink Inc stunk up the place with bad bumps and horrible sells and lifeless moves. 3D ran that whole match and did all the great hits. I love the 3D through the table. I was screaming a lot during this match for the Dudleys. When they got the lone table under the ring, we all flipped!!! Dudleys 3D'd Jesse-poo into the was an awesome site to see.

6. Rob Van Dam pinned AJ Styles to retain the TNA Title. Styles was great on the mic ripping on RVD's music and his signature thumbs to the back and even ripped on Jay-Z!!! That equates to heat in my book. RVD and Styles gave an amazing performance! Styles is very over but RVD is so over it never ends! Great back and forth action! RVD just tripped AJ up on the ropes, pushed AJ off and five starred his candy ass. RVD wins.

Notes: After the show, I got to take pictures with Devon Dudley and Rob Van Dam. RVD was a great person to meet for 30 seconds. I shook his hand and thanked him for all his great work.

I've been watching wrestling for over 20 years and this was my first ever show. I never had so much fun at a show! TNA has really won me over with their show. Good job boys, now lets see the same on TV!!!!

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