9/16 Twilling's TNA Impact Live Coverage: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy with the winner facing Mr. Anderson in the main event of Bound for Glory, Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe, Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal for the X Division Championship

Posted in: TNA TV Reports
Sep 16, 2010 - 10:00 PM

By Rich Twilling

TNA Impact on Spike TV
Taped in Orlando, Fla.

[Q1] Video footage of Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle at No Surrender aired with post match comments from both men intertwined. Angle said he wanted Hardy again. Tonight's show is entitled "One More Time." ...

Mike Tenay welcomed us to the show. Angle and Hardy were already in the ring. Eric Bischoff and Miss Tessmacher came out to the ring. Taz checked in on commentary as more footage of No Surrender aired.

Bischoff congratulated Mr. Anderson. Eric congratulated both Angle and Hardy for their match at No Surrender. Bischoff said we would have a new TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory. Bischoff booked Anderson vs. Angle vs. Hardy in a three way dance.

Dixie Carter came out to the stage and gave props to Angle and Hardy. Dixie then overturned Bischoff's decision and booked Angle vs. Hardy with no time limit and the winner going onto Bound for Glory to face Mr. Anderson for the title...

Twill's Two Cents: Smart to address the championship picture right away. I prefer a singles match to a three way, so I'm glad Dixie made that decision. It's time like this where I wish I didn't know the spoilers. By the way, Jason Powell is discussing the show in the Dot Net Members' Forum, so head over there to chat with him.

The Pope said he wanted to talk to Bischoff. He exchanged pleasantries with Kevin Nash and Sting along the way... [C]

Tommy Dreamer was getting gas when approached by a cameraman, who asked him where EV2.0 goes from here. Dreamer said they might just go home...

[Q2] 1. Samoa Joe (with Jeff Jarrett) vs. Kevin Nash (with Sting) ended in a double countout in 2:39. Joe overcame some early offense by Nash with a series of kicks. Things spilled to the floor. Sting and Joe paired off, as did Jarrett and Nash. The referee reached the count of ten but the brawl continued.

The brawl continued and security tried, but pretty much failed, to break it up...

Twill's Two Cents: Nash is in good physical shape, and I hope this program propels Joe once and for all into the top of the card.

Lacey Von Erich was in a towel backstage. Madison Rayne and Tara approached her, saying they (Madison and Lacey) had a tag team title shot tonight. Lacey said she wasn't sure if she was going with Velvet or Madison. They told her not to hurt herself by thinking... [C]

Backstage, Nash and Sting said Jarrett and Joe would not even make it to "10-10-10." Sting said the gloves were off and he was having fun now...

Hulk Lethal made his way to the ring in the red and yellow...

2. Jay Lethal defeated Douglas Williams to win the X Division Championship in 5:12. Williams outwrestled Lethal early on and scored several two counts. Williams continued to school Lethal, working on the lower back.

[Q3] Williams went to the top rope, but Lethal countered with a dropkick. Williams came back and tried the rolling chaos, but Lethal countered with the lethal combination for a nearfall. Jay missed the Randy Savage elbow from the top. He was able to come back and hit the lethal injection for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Why? Williams put on a clinic here and Fortune needs wins and champions. Williams carried this match and then lost the belt in about five minutes. Ugh. By the way, the lethal injection is a horrible looking finisher because it is difficult to get enough air under the opponent to hit the reverse neckbreaker part of it.

Lethal celebrated with confetti and in the crowd with the fans...

Abyss was backstage saying "bees," or something. He was breathing really hard and loudly. He was also dragging someone around... [C]

Angle cut a promo backstage saying Hardy was a great wrestler, but he was not a champion. Kurt is the champion. He is the best. He is TNA. He will win the World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory. That is real. It is damn real...

Twill's Two Cents: Kurt needs to come out of his shell a bit. He's too humble.

Madison Rayne, Tara, and Lacey Von Erich made their entrance. Tara slapped Madison on the ass and then they kissed. Tenay and Taz were quite pleased with that...

3. Hamada and Taylor Wilde defeated Madison Rayne and Lacey Von Erich (with Tara) to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles in 4:02. Taz wondered out loud why doing a back flip before an elbow drop made the elbow more effective. We are all thinking that Taz.

[Q4] Taz talked about the primal screams of Madison and asked what it must be like to wake up next to her in the morning. He then took Lacey to task for not selling a jawbreaker. "You could see that was not going to work... For Lacey." Lacey was promptly pinned...

Madison jumped into the ring and screamed her head off at Lacey. Lacey pushed Madison down and received a beat down for her troubles. Velvet Sky and Angelina Love made the save. Lacey hugged Velvet as the heels took off...

Twill's Two Cents: Well, if Lacey joins forces with Angelina and Velvet, she won't have to be in the ring, and that is a good thing. She just has not improved at all. By the way, Taz was simply on a roll during that match.

Tommy Dreamer was shown walking backstage... [C]

I just caught the Axe commercial where they talk about clean balls and clean ball sacks. How long before those are pulled? Anyone remember the old Corn Nuts "bust a nut" commercials? Wow, not even 7:00 yet...

Jeff Hardy said he was happy when it was a three way, but will do what he has to do to beat Angle tonight to move onto Bound for Glory...

Tommy Dreamer came out to the ring in a suit as footage of A.J. Styles sticking a fork in his eye at No Surrender. He said he was alone without EV2.0 and asked Fortune to come to the ring. All of them, except for Williams, came to the ring.

Twill's Two Cents: I've had some unfavorable meals in my day, but never an eyeball.

Dreamer said he was sick of his friends being hurt and was calling a truce. "This is over." Dreamer called Fortune the future of TNA, but he was just looking for a place to call home. He put over America's Most Wanted and Beer Money. He said James Storm had more talent in one finger than Sandman did, and Sandman was one of his best friend.

[Q5] He continued to compare TNA to ECW when talking to Kazarian. He said he got Kaz a job in WWE, but Kaz left because he wasn't happy. Dreamer said Kazarian would not have had a career or met his wife had he not come back to TNA.

He said Matt Morgan was supposed to be the next Undertaker or Kane in WWE. Now, the next big guy in WWE will be called "the next Matt Morgan." He said he offered Robert Roode a contract in the WWE, but Roode turned it down to stay in TNA. Roode is truly a mixture of Curt Hennig and Rick Rude.

He moved onto to Flair and began to tear up. He said "thank you" to Flair. He said Flair wasn't into hardcore wrestling, but he was the most hardcore of all wrestlers. He called Flair the dirtiest player in the business but corrected himself and said Flair was the business. He said when Flair called it quits, it would be the saddest day.

Dreamer said Styles made Dreamer say something he had never said before, because he was the best in ring performer in the business today. He wanted to shake A.J.'s hand. Styles asked for the mic instead. He said it was commendable for Dreamer to come out and say the things he said about Fortune.

Styles called Dreamer "all heart." The crowd agreed and chanted for Dreamer. He put over ECW without mentioning it by name. He said Dreamer never asked for respect but always seemed to get it. Styles then shook Dreamer's hand and said Dreamer earned his respect.

Styles reminded Dreamer he was the only one to make him say "I quit." He then said he did not need Dreamer's respect or praise. He then attacked Dreamer. The rest of Fortune did not want to attack Dreamer, but they did when A.J. yelled at them to.

Brian Kendrick came out to protect Dreamer, but he took a beating as well. He was disposed of to the floor and Styles continued the attack on Dreamer. Security came down but did not want to enter the ring. Styles then said Dreamer had his truce...

Twill's Two Cents: That went exactly the way it was supposed to and it was effective. Dreamer's promo was the usual stuff from him at first, but the personal stuff for each Fortune member was really well done. Styles was very good on the mic, and the attack was the logical decision. Styles cemented himself as the leader of the group as he called the shots. Very good segment.

Kendrick took the mic and challenged one member of Fortune to fight him right now... [C]

Twill's Two Cents: Too much too fast. They should have let the beating of Dreamer resonate with the fans and maybe come back with a Kendrick challenge next week.

[Q6] 4. Brian Kendrick defeated Matt Morgan in 2:01. The match was already in progress. Morgan wrestled in his suit. Yes, that is a purple shirt. Morgan destroyed Kendrick and got cocky. He turned his back and Kendrick hit a kick for the surprise win...

Afterward, Morgan said he wasn't ready and wrestled in a $7,500 suit. He said he wanted the loss removed from the record books. He kept saying, "Kendrick." He then put his head in his hands...

Twill's Two Cents: Does anyone have possession of this record book? By the way, my suits don't cost nearly as much as Morgan's and I look much better in mine than he does in his.

Backstage, Pope finally made it Bischoff's office. What, did he stop and take a nap on the way there? Bischoff wasn't there but Miss Tessmacher was. True to form, Pope sexually harassed her... [C]

Abyss had two people hanging around in what looked like a sex dungeon, not that I know what one of those looks like. He had Janice, and introduced Bob, a branding iron with "10-10-10." He branded one of the two fellows. I couldn't tell who they were...

Twill's Two Cents: Anyone think of calling the police, or I don't know, firing this guy? I mean come on; he makes TNA a very hostile work environment.

[Q7] Tenay and Taz interviewed Rob Van Dam on the phone. RVD said he would be back and better than ever. Bischoff said, "Hey, that's my theme music from WWE." No, he didn't really say that.

RVD said he still considered himself the World Champion as did the fans of the "TNA Universe." I wonder if that universe is anywhere near the WWE Universe. RVD said he would be in the Impact Zone next week...

Twill's Two Cents: That seemed like a waste. RVD's return should be hyped a very big deal and they should not have given away his first interview over the phone like that.

Generation Me came to the ring. At first, it looked like two random kids who jumped the railing. These guys are young. They said they were Generation Me. They represented the 'Me Generation.' They said it was "all about us."

Twill's Two Cents: They had me convinced when they said their name meant they represent the Me Generation. Then they said it was "all about us" and threw everything out of whack.

They put over how they put Alex Shelley out of action. They were not there to pay dues. They called out Chris Sabin to hand over the TNA Tag Team Championships. Sabin beat the crap out of G-Me, but the two on one advantage was too much. They double DDTed Sabin while he was hanging from the top rope. Sabin held his neck...

Twill's Two Cents: They weren't really comfortable in delivering their promo, but once they get there, they will be pretty good on the mic. They showed the correct signs. Nice angle heading into BFG too. I'm looking forward to this tag team championship match.

Hardy was shown getting ready backstage... [C]

The Hardy and Angle video package from earlier aired again...

[Q8] 5. Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle ended in a draw when both men pinned each other in 21:41. Slow pacing early on. Hardy had half of his face painted earlier in the show and all of it now. Taz said, "You don't want Kurt Angle behind you because he will suplex the crap out of you." Nice.

Hardy's focus was the right shoulder of Angle. He slammed it into the ring post. Angle also had dislocated ribs from the PPV. Angle whipped Hardy to the floor and then hit a slingshot high cross body. Mr. Anderson came out and headed to the announce table... [C]

Twill's Two Cents: Anderson should have had more presence on this show as the only guy already in the main event at BFG.

Huge double closeline immediately coming back from the break. Angle scored a nearfall with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate (sort of) for a two count. Angle came back and hit what can only be described as a moonsault high cross body for a two count.

Angle applied the ankle lock. Hardy missed a mule kick but ended up spinning onto his back to kick out of it.

[Overrun] Hardy went for the Twist of Fate and it looked like Angle got his knees up, but Hardy still covered him for a two count. Hardy hit the Whisper in the Wind on the referee. Why is the referee standing there?

Angle hit an Angle slam and another referee counted to two. He hit a second one and Hardy kicked out again. The show went off the air, but picked up immediately on Reaction, which starts right now...

Twill's Two Cents: Old school. I like it. They went directly to Reaction, so even if someone was dumb enough to want to change the channel thinking they weren't going to see the finish, they wouldn't have had time.

[Reaction] Hardy scored a long two count with the delayed dropkick in the corner. Hardy beat on Angle on the floor for awhile. Angle got it back in the ring and hit many German suplexes. Hardy kicked out. Angle tried and missed a frog splash.

Angle applied an ankle lock. We now have two referees. They locked in dueling ankle locks and laid on their backs. Both referees counted to three.

Twill's Two Cents: Weak. Has anyone ever seen that move before? Ever? Also, Angle especially would know to get his shoulder off of the mat. By the way, very good match though. Slow paced, but both guys really gave their all.

Eric Bischoff headed out to the ring as Dixie Carter looked on from her ringside seat... [C]

Bischoff and Dixie spoke at ringside. Eric took the mic in the center of the ring. He said neither man had anything more to prove. He booked Anderson vs. Angle vs. Hardy again. Dixie chimed in and overturned the decision. Actually, she did not. The match is set. Angle and Hardy hugged...

Twill's Two Cents: They took the long way to get there, but they got there. You wonder why they didn't just go with Angle vs. Hardy at the PPV. Anderson could be an interesting third party though. Should be a good match for the title at BFG.

Thank you for following along with me tonight. See you back here in two weeks.

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