4/5 Powell's TNA Impact Live Coverage: Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson in a ladder match, Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machine Guns in a No. 1 contenders match, D'Angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe

Posted in: TNA TV Reports
By By Jason Powell
Apr 5, 2010 - 07:00 PM

TNA Impact on Spike TV
Live from Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla.

[Q1] The show opened with a recap of last week's show... The show is called "Advantage: Team Flair"...

Backstage, Christy Hemme gave the rules to an eight-Knockout "lock box challenge." There will be four boxes with different items inside such as a Knockouts Title match contract, Tara's spider, one woman has to strip down to per panties, and a match of the person's choosing.

Hemme interviewed The Beautiful People. Velvet Sky did the bulk of the talking about competing in the match. Madison Rayne chimed in, and then Lacey Von Erich emerged from a shower covered in a robe and spoke about stripping down to her panties... The opening montage aired...

Powell's POV: Wow, that was a lot of info to take in. Clearly, they're gunning for ratings with the T&A tease.

Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, and Abyss came to the ring for a promo. Mike Tenay and Taz are on commentary. Tenay encouraged viewers to call their friends and alert them to the early start time this week. Hogan spoke about the Lethal Lockdown match and the team that captain Abyss is assembling.

Abyss took the mic and spoke about facing Team Flair at Lockdown. He said Flair's team will learn the true definition of pain and suffering when the top of the cage is lowered and the weapons come into play. Abyss said it makes no difference who the other members of Team Flair is because Team Hogan "is going to kick your ass."

Ric Flair was wheeled onto the stage by Chelsea. They were quickly joined by Sting, Beer Money, and Desmond Wolfe. Flair said he was about to speak, so the crowd should shut up. Flair introduced all the men on the stage as team members for the Lethal Lockdown match. Flair said there's more history between him and Sting "than there is in the entire wrestling world." Huh?

"Why don't you just shut up?" Hogan responded. Hulk said they have a powerful team and that Flair would find out the remaining team members "when the time is right." Flair and his team headed to the ring, but stopped when Jarrett took the mic.

Jarrett invited Sting to enter the ring without the bat to answer one question. "Friend to friend," Jarrett said. "Or is it foe." Sting complied. "Why now?" Jarrett asked. 'Why now has the dark side come out of you?" Jarrett held the mic out for Sting to take, but he didn't take the mic. Jarrett said he may not deserve an answer, but the people in the Impact Zone do. Jarrett asked the question again.

Sting smirked at Jarrett, who responded by slapping him across the face. Sting got pissed and kicked Jarrett. Sting followed up with the Scorpion Death Drop on Jarrett while Hogan and Abyss stood there looking like idiots. Once Sting hit the move, Hogan and Abyss went after him, but he left the ring.

[Q2] Flair ordered the rest of his troops to hit the ring. Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam entered through the crowd and helped Hogan and Abyss clear the heels from the ring... Tenay hyped that RVD vs. James Storm was coming up after the break... [C]

Powell's POV: Clearly, the idea was to pack as much star power as possible into the opening segment. It looked bad to have Hogan and Abyss just stand there while Sting attacked Jarrett, but this was more hype for Lockdown than TNA gave the Destination X pay-per-view on any show. Unfortunately, they didn't do much to hype the remainder of tonight's show.

1. Rob Van Dam defeated James Storm in 5:20. The match was joined in progress after the break. Tenay said the bell rang just moments before they picked up the match. Tenay once again encouraged viewers to call their friends about the early start time. Van Dam was in control early, but Storm fired back and got in plenty of offense.

In the end, Van Dam hit the split legged moonsault and got the in. After the match, Storm smashed a beer bottle over RVD's head. RVD sold it like he'd been shot. Medics ran in to help RVD. Storm went after Van Dam again, but security ran out to stop him... [C]

Powell's POV: The crowd was really hot for RVD and the match in general. Good match. They haven't done the beer bottle bit lately, so this was probably effective for newer viewers. If nothing else, it gives Beer Money, RVD, and Hardy something to feud over. In retrospect, it wouldn't have been a bad idea to open the show with this match rather than a long talking segment.

After the break, the announcers recapped Storm's attack on RVD with the beer bottle. Back live, the medics were still tending to Van Dam, whose head was covered by a bloody towel. Storm mocked RVD by doing the thumb pointing bit and saying the name of his own tag team.

[Q3] Jeff Hardy ran out and attacked Storm from behind and then headed inside the ring to check on RVD. Robert Roode ran in through the crowd and hit a spinebuster on Hardy...

Powell's POV: Good followup. I was worried they'd just move right on to the next thing rather than driving home the previous angle. I've criticized the booking a lot lately, but they have done a better job since Hogan and Eric Bischoff arrived of not cutting away from angles and moving right into the next segment.

Backstage, Hemme interviewed the Knockouts. Tara and Angelina bickered. ODB said she was going after "A.J.'s booty" if she wins. The other Knockouts left and then Hemme put the mic in Hamada's face. Hamada spoke in Japanese. "What she said," Hemme said...

Powell's POV: I don't speak Japanese very well, but I believe she said stick around to watch the jacked up guy with the bad haircut squash Homicide. I could be wrong, though.

2. Rob Terry defeated Homicde in 2:00. Tenay once again encouraged viewers to call friends about the early start time. Terry won the match with a power slam. The crowd doesn't care about him.

Afterward, Homicide recovered and hit Terry with a chair to the back and then to the head. Terry no-sold both shots and then slammed Homicide as blood trickled down his forehead. Orlando Jordan walked onto the stage with a strange mask. He was carrying strawberries and had cream spilled all over his face and chest... [C]

Powell's POV: A chairshot to the head? WTF is wrong with these people? Don't call your friends and tell them Impact is on as Tenay is so desperately telling viewers to do. Rather, call your friends and tell them not to watch until TNA steps out of the stone ages with their ridiculous stance that chairshots to the head are okay.

The cut-in featured a shot Angelina Love warming up. The announcers hyped the lock box... Back live, the Beautiful People were stretching. Lacey showed up with a pair of panties she apparently plans to wear...

3. Tara, Hamada, Angelina Love, and ODB faced The Beautiful People and Daffney in a lockdown challenge. Tenay said the rules are that when a Knockout is pinned, she and the person who pinned her are eliminated. The winner will get one of their lockboxes. Tara pinned Rayne at 1:00 with her finisher.

[Q4] [C] After the break, the announcers narrated highlights of Daffney pinning Hamada. You know, because you wouldn't want the best worker of the match in the ring when the show is live. At 6:30, Velvet pinned ODB. The match came down to Lacey and Love. Angelina hit the Lights Out finisher and pinned her in 7:30. Tenay announced during the match that Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson was coming up next...

Powell's POV: The rules at the top of the show just felt like too much information, but the match was easy to follow.

A brief video hyped Angle vs. Anderson... Introductions took place for Anderson vs. Angle... [C] During the cut-in, they showed Anderson working over Angle. Tenay said Anderson attacked him before the bell...

4. Mr. Anderson defeated Kurt Angle in a ladder match in 9:20. The bell to start the match rang right after the break. Both wrestlers took bumps on the ladder within the first two minutes of the match. There key hanging from the hook had a large block that read "cage key" on one side and had the TNA logo on the other.

Anderson made the first play for the key. Angle appeared to be late going after him, because Anderson had to stall. Angle eventually hit the Angle Slam to break it up. Angle sent Anderson to ringside and then positioned the ladder to make a play for the key. Angle climbed the ladder at a very slow pace. Taz covered by saying he thought Angle may have injured his back.

[Q5] At 4:00, Anderson pushed the ladder over with Angle on it. Angle took a horribly awkward bump as his foot caught the rope on the way down. It's amazing he got back to his feet. Anderson did the slow climb up the ladder. Angle recovered and hit a missile dropkick onto the ladder to prevent Anderson from grabbing the key.

Angle placed Anderson onto the ladder that was lying on the mat. He followed up with a moonsault onto Anderson and the ladder at 6:50. Anderson ended up in one of the corners as Kurt tried to climb the ladder. Anderson spotted Angle's warrior medal that was hanging in the corner. Anderson wrapped the medal around Angle's neck and choked him with it.

Kurt tried to fight through being choked. He got his hand on the wood block, but he eventually was choked out and fell to the mat. Anderson grabbed the key to win the match. Afterward, Anderson boasted on the mic about his win...

Powell's POV: Angle came dangerously close to a major injury. It was a good ladder match with hard work from both men. Aside from Angle's accidental bump, there weren't any that were overly sick spots. There were the usual awkward ladder match spots with one wrestler taking too much time on the ladder, but that's become the norm. Overall, though, I didn't come away thinking that the key to the cage really means anything. The match made me look forward to their cage match, but the key had nothing to do with that.

Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Hulk Hogan. Borash noted that Eric Bischoff wasn't there and questioned Hogan about some of Bischoff's recent tactics. Hogan said he wouldn't talk about it. Bubba the Love Sponge showed up and shooed Borash away. Hogan asked Bubba about hooking up with The Band. Once Bubba left, Jay Lethal entered the picture in Black Machismo mode and said he has Hogan's back...

A shot aired of The Band arriving at the building... [C]

Powell's POV: Great, Hogan and people talking with people the majority of the viewers don't give a damn about. Way to bring down the viewers before the break. Ugh. Oh, good news. Bubba just tweeted that he has an in-ring appearance with The Band coming up later. You've been warned.

[Q6] A shot aired of the lock boxes as the announces hyped that we'll find out who gets what prize later in the show...

Backstage, Christy Hemme interviewed Matt Morgan, who was wearing both tag titles around his neck. Morgan said Hernandez had "an unfortunate accident." Hemme pointed out that he kicked Hernandez's head into the ring post. Morgan referred to himself as "we" while talking about how "we" are going to defend the TNA Tag Titles. She said Morgan would have to defend his titles next week against the winner of the next match...

Powell's POV: Half-assed followup to the Hernandez injury angle. It came two weeks later and was more comical with Morgan referring to himself as "we" than it was heelish. Morgan was cocky and he established that he's defending the titles himself, but this didn't make me want to see Hernandez or anyone else kick his ass to avenge the injury.

5. The Motor City Machine Guns fought Team 3D to a no-contest in a No. 1 contender's match. After some back and forth action, Brother Ray sent Devon to get the tables. As Devon complied, The Band came out and attacked Team 3D. Sean Waltman rammed Devon into the ring post. Nash hit Ray with brass knuckles.

The Band took Ray back to the ring continued the attack. Hall picked up Chris Sabin and hit the Razor's Edge. Nash teased the Jacknife on Alex Shelley, but clotheslined him instead. Waltman spray painted the back of one of the Guns and then slammed it over Ray's head as the show went to break... [C]

Powell's POV: These were three of the most creative guys in the business at one time and they're still doing the same old stuff all these years later. Yes, they're probably just going along with the script, but I'd like to think these guys would tweak the stale act at some point. By the way, there's way too much going on again tonight.

[Q7] After the break, Bubba the Love Sponge joined The Band in the ring. Nash took the mic and said they might not be writing the checks, but they are running the show. Nash said Hulk Hogan was more concerned with Ric Flair and others, but The Band are his worst nightmare. "For 15 years, we've been carrying your ass," Nash said...

Powell's POV: All these heels keep talking about the one babyface who doesn't wrestle on a regular basis. Ugh.

Backstage, Borash interviewed The Pope, who hyped his Lockdown match with A.J. Styles for the TNA Title briefly and then turned his attention to his rematch with Desmond Wolfe. He was interrupted by Wolfe and Chelsea. Wolfe complained about giving Pope a rematch and said he should be facing Styles at Lockdown instead. Pope said that if Wolfe beat him in their match, he could have the match at Lockdown...

Powell's POV: I'm never a fan of wrestlers voluntarily putting title shots they've won on the line, but this didn't bother me because it came across like Pope was ultra confident and really isn't at risk of losing the match. I guess that makes the outcome predictable, but Pope was solid here. Wolfe still isn't being used in a way that maximizes his potential.

A shot aired of Tara backstage looking at her key. The announcers said she was anxious to get her spider back... [C]

Powell's POV: Really? Give it up. No one cares about the damn spider. If they want to get some use out of Bubba the Love Sponge, have him sit on the damn spider.

Doug Williams came to the ring and bitched about the acrobats trapeze artists that make up the X Division. He said they should all go back to wrestling school and learn the art of technical wrestling. He said he now wants to be addressed by his full name of Douglas Williams. He said he arranged a gauntlet match with Generation Me...

6. Douglas Williams defeated Generation Me in a gauntlet match in 2:50. Jeremy Buck started the match for his team. Williams finished off Jeremy in 1:20 with a suplex into a bridge. Max ran out and scored a flurry of offense, but Williams finished him off with the guillotine choke. Williams wouldn't release the hold, so Shannon Moore ran out for the save...

[Q8] After Moore cleared the ring, he said there was no room for "boring ass wrestlers" like Williams in the X Division. Moore said he wanted a title shot at Lockdown. Moore held up his dumb book and said that if Williams accepts, "Welcome to glam rock"... [C]

Powell's POV: Wow, was that bad. I'm not sure what TNA creative sees in Williams and Moore that they don't see in Generation Me. Okay, so they see "Jeff Hardy's buddy" in Shannon, but I'm not sure why they haven't done anything with Generation Me. Granted, their ring gear looks really bush league, but that's par for the course in the X Division.

The cut-in showed the Beautiful People... Back live, Tenay plugged the upcoming house shows. He and Taz hyped that Eric Bischoff and Don West would be at all three house show events...

Backstage, Hemme interviewed Team 3D. Brother Ray referred to the Wolfpac members as "disrespectful pricks." They hyped the first match between the Wolfpac and Team 3D for next week...

Powell's POV: This didn't get much buzz even with the live crowd, which has been cheering for just about everything.

7. D'Angelo Dinero beat Desmond Wolfe (w/Chelsea) in 2:00. The announcers recalled Pope saying that he'd give up the Lockdown title shot if Wolfe beat him. Dinero hit the Codebreaker and got the clean pin.

After the match, A.J. Styles showed up wearing a t-shirt and jeans and roughed up Pope. Abyss ran out and Styles fled. Wolfe and Abyss got into it, so Styles attacked the distracted Abyss. Wolfe picked up a fire extinguisher and struck Abyss with it... [C]

Powell's POV: Abyss just screams minor league in that wretched outfit, and Styles wearing his street clothes erased everything they've done to make him seem like the new Naitch. This has not been a good show and I don't think The Rock and Steve Austin making surprise appearances in the final segment would be enough to save it. Very disappointing.

[Overrun] The announcers hyped the pay-per-view, and then turned it over to Borash, who was in Monty Hall mode. He actually said this was the moment we've all been waiting for. No, really. Velvet Sky, Tara, Angelina Love, and Daffney were standing next to podiums with their lockboxes. Borash ran through all the options of what might be inside the boxes.

Velvet opened the case and she won the "open contract." Tara was up next. Borash pointed out that she's never done a strip tease during her long career. She opened the box and the stupid ass spider was inside. Borash said this means Tara is no longer the Knockouts Champion.

Powell's POV: Apparently, this clusterf--- awarded the Knockouts Title to one of the women, which I completely missed. I told you they crammed a lot into that opening segment. Damn, what a stupid way to win a title. This is such a bush league show. I'm stunned by the desperation they are showing.

Love and Daffney opened their boxes simultaneously. Love's box had the TNA Knockouts Title inside. She celebrated, while Daffney looked dejected as Borash informed her that she would be performing the strip tease.

Amateur hour continued with Daffney heading to the ring and performing an angry striptease that was nothing more than a tease. Lacey came out and hit Daffney with the pink dildo. She stripped down to her lingerie. A fight broke out with Love and Tara.

Velvet took the mic and said Lacey turned up the heat in the Impact Zone, but the rule is that you don't show up a fellow member of the Beautiful People. She said she was cashing in her "open contract" next week in a leather and lace match with Lacey. "You bring the lace and I'll bring my leather," Sky said. "And I'll kick your ass all over that ring, bitch." Tara and Love had to be held apart as the show went off the air...

Powell's POV: This was a new low for TNA and it really does show how desperate they were to pop a rating this week. Either the creative team is feeling the heat from management, TNA is feeling the heat from Spike TV, or they've all just lost their f'n minds. I am sincerely embarrassed for TNA tonight. I will have sooooooo much more to say about this show in member exclusive audio tonight. Join us by signing up for $5 per month membership via the Dot Net Members' Signup Page.

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