1/13 Dunn's WWE Superstars Live Coverage: Chris Masters and JTG vs. Chavo Guerrero and Curt Hawkins, Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox, and an 8 man tag match.

Posted in: TNA TV Reports, MUST-READ LISTING
Jan 13, 2011 - 07:00 PM

by Adam Dunn

WWE Superstars on WGN America
Taped in Nashville, TN and Birmingham, AL.

Shore's Slant: Please join me as we welcome the newest contributor to Dot Net, Adam Dunn. Adam will be taking over my role on Thursday nights to clear me up for ROH and other projects. Thank you to the three of you who read this.

[Q1] The opening video aired. Amazing how no one in the video actually wrestles on Superstars. The announcers hyped the main event, and Chris Masters made his was to the ring with JTG. Matt Striker and Jack Korpela welcomed us to the show. Chavo and Curt Hawkins came out next.

Dunn's Decision:Welcome to all three of you that are watching the show live with me.

1. Chris Masters and JTG defeated Chavo Guerrero and Curt Hawkins at 12:32. Korpela referenced the glory days of La Familia for Chavo and Hawkins. Chavo and Masters started the match out. Masters started every match like usual, showing his strength. Masters followed with a body slam for a two count. JTG tagged in. He hit what could have possibly been wrestling moves before Hawkins tagged in. Masters tagged back in and hit a shoulder block and went for the Masterlock, but Hawkins escaped. Hawkins took control and applied a rest hold at 2:30. A lot of rapid fire tags between Chavo and Hawkins here. Masters hit a chin breaker and tagged in JTG.

At 4:00 JTG hit a running kick to Hawkins face. Korpela and Striker, obviously not paying attention, started talking up HBK's induction in the Hall of Fame. JTG was thrown to the outside. [C]

Back from break, Chavo was in control of JTG. Chavo distracted the referee while Hawkins took cheap shots. Hawkins tagged in and posed for the crowd. Hawkins stayed in control, utilizing dozens of rest holds. JTG finally countered Hawkins at 11:20 and Masters tagged in.

[Q2] Lots of fast paced action from Masters on Chavo. Masters hit a spinebuster and signaled for the Masterlock, Chavo countered. Eventually Masters locked in the Masterlock and Chavo tapped...The NXT recap video aired...They hyped the divas match up next. [C]

Dunn's Decision:That match was a lengthy atrocity. I'm not even sure there were actual wrestling moves being used. It was mostly kicks and punches, and Hawkins and Chavo keeping JTG from tagging Masters in. This is what I get in my first night covering this show?

The Royal Rumble website was hyped. Alicia Fox came out to a piped in crowd cheering? Is that right? Scott Stanford and Josh Matthews took over announcing duties. Gail Kim was out next.

2. Gail Kim defeated Alicia Fox at 4:48. How does Gail stay in her top? Alicia went for an armhold which Gail kicked out of. Gail hit a few agile moves before Alicia locked in a headlock. Gail fought out and hit an armdrag, followed by a running kick to the face. Alicia caught Gail in the corner and hit a cool looking kick to the ribs. She followed with more stiff shots to the ribs. Alicia then hit a crazy looking spinning gutbuster. Then she applied a abdominal stretch.

[Q3] At 3:22 Gail reversed a pump handle slam into a pin attempt for a near fall. Gail worked over Alicia in the corner and then hit a missile dropkick from the top for another near fall. Gail then hit the kick to the chin (which Stanford called “Eat Defeat”) for the win...The announcers hyped the 8 man tag.

Dunn's Decision: That wasn't half bad honestly. Alicia hit quite a few impressive moves, including that spinning gutbuster. Gail really didn't do much except hit the missile dropkick. A better diva match than what we are used to getting these days.

A John Morrison hype video aired...The HBK Hall of Fame video followed...Yoshi Tatsu's music played and Smith, Young, and Primo came out with him. [C]

Back from break, the faces were still talking in the ring. Regal's music played and Ryder and the Uso's followed him out. Woo Woo Woo, poor Zack Ryder.

3. David Hart Smith, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, and Darren Young defeated Zack Ryder, William Regal, and The Uso Brothers in an eight-man tag at 13:31. Primo and Regal started things out. Regal's put on some weight, or just lost definition. Jimmy Uso tagged in and Primo took a body slam from him. Primo hit an armdrag and tagged in Tatsu, who hit a Japanese armdrag for a near fall. Young then tagged in and hit a northern lights suplex. Ryder tagged in and ran into a clothesline from Young. Smith checked into the match and worked over Ryder. Ryder broke free and tagged in Regal who hit some stiff uppercuts on Smith, and then the two traded uppercuts till Ryder was tagged in. Ryder paid the price with a clothesline from Smith.

[Q4] At 3:30, Smith hit a nice looking powerbomb on Ryder, and followed with a stall suplex for a near fall. Ryder avoided a shot in the corner and tagged in Jay, who worked over Smith, before tagging in Ryder. Talk about rapid fire tags. Smith then hit a jackhammer on Ryder. He cleared the heels from the apron, but Ryder regained control before they went to an awkwardly placed commercial. [C]

Back at 9:02, Jay had a leg lock on Smith. Smith fought out and hit an uppercut to Jay. And then tagged in Young. Matthews talked about how Young was looking to find an identity. You know, other than “less successful John Cena.” Jay took Young down and tagged in Regal, who hit a running back elbow. Regal distracted the referee while the heels worked over Young in the corner. Regal hit some knees to the face and tagged in Ryder. Ryder hit a running kick in the corner, a lot like Umaga used to do. Young hit an enzuguri on Ryder and tagged in Primo. Primo was all over the place, taking down Ryder and the rest of the heels. He covered Ryder for a nearfall.

At 13:05 Primo hit a tornado DDT off the top on Ryder. Chaos broke out and everyone ran into the ring. Things cleared and Tatsu got the tag. He ducked a clothesline from Ryder and hit a kick to the side of Ryder's head for the win.

Dunn's Decision: That was some fun. For some reason, Smith handled a lot of the in ring work in that match. Primo did most of the high flying moves and Darren Young did absolutely nothing. Such is life I guess for Darren. And like it's said every week, Regal deserves better than this. Not a bad main event.

Thanks for joining me on the first WWE Superstars show I've covered. I'll see all three of you next week!

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