TNA News: One wrestler asked for his release, two other top wrestlers frustrated with TNA creative

Posted in: TNA News
By By Jason Powell
Nov 2, 2009 - 01:02 PM

Dot Net members received the first look at this news last week. To become a member for only $5 per month, visit the Dot Net Members' Signup Page.

Frankie Kazarian (a/k/a Suicide) asked for his release at the last round of TNA television because he's been frustrated with his creative direction. TNA management initially agreed to grant him the release, but A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels worked to soothe over the situation, so the release was never finalized.

A short time later, an upset Vince Russo approached A.J. Styles. Russo was upset because he had heard that Styles told Dixie Carter that he thought it would be a good idea if there were a wrestler on the creative team. Russo blew up and then Styles returned fire about being booked as a weak champion.

Although it appeared that Styles and Russo had cooled off following their backstage blowup, the word is that there were still some hard feelings over the weekend. Styles, Daniels, and Kazarian have expressed frustration to friends, and the bulk of their issues seem to be with Russo.

Powell's POV: The frustration of these wrestlers came before Hulk Hogan signed with TNA, so this has nothing to do with that situation. Rather, all three wrestlers were or are highly skeptical of Russo as the head booker. Early reports indicated that Styles approached Russo with the complaints, but it turns out that it was actually Russo who confronted Styles. Russo was so upset during the argument that a witness claims he threw his coffee cup down in anger.

It does strike me as odd that Styles and Daniels are so frustrated given that Styles is the TNA Champion, and Daniels has been placed in the main event at Turning Point. Meanwhile, Kazarian is playing the role of Suicide. He plays the part well, but the masses probably wouldn't notice if TNA put another wrestler in the outfit. After all, Daniels played the role while Kazarian was sidelined by an injury, and it's not like anyone noticed. Furthermore, Kazarian appeared to burned some bridges with WWE during his brief developmental stint.

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