TNA News: Mick Foley believes he's suffered permanent brain damage

Posted in: TNA News
Nov 6, 2010 - 09:12 AM

TNA wrestler Mick Foley addressed his own head trauma issues while taping an interview with Michael Landsberg of TSN's "Off the Record" television show. Dot Net reader Adam Lebow reports: "In the interview, Foley states that he believes he has suffered permanent brain damage from his time in wrestling. Landsberg then turned it over to his guests from today and discussed NHL blindside hits." The interview will air on November 10.

Powell's POV: We'll wait to see what context Foley said this in. Has he been tested for head trauma or is he just concerned that he has? Either way, it's no secret that Foley took a lot of abuse throughout his career, and I feel badly for guys like him who may not have understood the risks of head trauma as well as we do today. If Foley has diagnosed permanent brain damage, he would be a terrific spokesman on the matter.

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