TNA News: Huffington Post names a TNA star the "Greatest Person of the the Day"

Posted in: TNA News
May 19, 2011 - 01:01 PM

TNA star Mick Foley was named the "Greatest Person of the Day" by the Huffington Post. The story acknowledged his work with the RAINN foundation and noted that he has raised over $140,000 for the group since April. To read the story, visit

Powell's POV: Congrats to Foley, who has earned whatever good publicity that comes his way as a result of his work with RAINN. TNA isn't mentioned in the story, but Impact Wrestling is. Plus, the story notes that Vince McMahon donated $10,000 to RAINN, and he could technically have Foley mow his lawn to make good on a vow that Mick made to anyone who donated over a certain amount of money.

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