TNA News: Dixie Carter issues a statement on the Austin Aries and Christy Hemme incident

May 14, 2013 - 08:30 PM

TNA president Dixie Carter issues the following statement on her Twitter page on Tuesday afternoon.

"TNA has ZERO tolerance for inappropriate behavior. The incident with Austin Aries was taken very seriously and handled immediately."

Powell's POV: So if there's a ZERO tolerance policy, then does this mean Austin Aries was fired or severely punished on the spot? I'm not even saying that he should be terminated or what the punishment should be over his incident involving Christy Hemme, but wouldn't those be examples of a company showing zero tolerance?

And if the issue was handled immediately, then was the punishment so severe that Aries somehow felt comfortable making testicle jokes on his Twitter page three days later? Again, I'm not trying to say that the punishment has to be severe, but either there was a top secret firing or punishment that no one else is aware of or Carter's brief statement has more holes than actual words.

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