TNA News: Brian Kendrick says Destination X could make or break the division, says there hasn't been enough focus on the X Division leading into the pay-per-view

Jul 8, 2011 - 11:02 AM

TNA wrestler Brian Kendrick told Alex Marvez that Sunday's Destination X is a make or break event for the X Division. "If this show draws noticeably better than other pay-per-views, it will be hard to dismiss those numbers," Kendrick said. "Not to say they won't be dismissed, but it will be nice, solid evidence that people do care about the X division. They want exciting wrestling and fresh faces."

Kendrick also acknowledged that the pay-per-view hasn't received the full attention of TNA creative. "The downside is I'm in an X division title match on an X division pay-per-view but the focus the last few weeks is still on the heavyweight division..." Kendrick said. "We've got a shot at the X Division breaking through. To be honest, it's not a full-fledged shot. But it is a shot." To read the full interview, visit

Powell's POV: I'd really like to believe that all the talk about this being a make or break show is simply a way to draw extra attention to the pay-per-view. In other words, it would be great if this was just a marketing campaign and TNA has every intention of making this the relaunch of the division. However, the fact that there was so much focus on non-X Division talent on the go-home edition tells me that there are people within TNA who don't have their heart into the X Division. I also fear that even if the pay-per-view is successful, those who don't want it to succeed will try to claim that the X Division only work when featured in an annual event. Nevertheless, the card looks strong on paper, and I definitely recommend ordering the show on Sunday.

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