TNA Impact quarter-hour ratings: A full breakdown of how the various segments performed in the ratings, the Knockouts score the best numbers

Posted in: TNA News
Oct 29, 2010 - 04:56 PM

By Jason Powell

The following are the quarter-hour ratings for Thursday's TNA Impact television show.

Q1: 1.18 rating - Knockouts Brawl, Ric Flair in the ring with the Knockouts, Pope backstage with a casket

Q2: 1.06 rating - Mr. Anderson update, Flair, Eric Bischoff, and the TNA trainer, Pope promo interrupted by Abyss, Jeff Jarrett promo on Samoa Joe

Q3: 1.13 rating - Matt Morgan backstage with Ric Flair, Robbie E vs. Jay Lethal, Beautiful People backstage with Winter,

Q4: 1.14 rating - EV2 segment interrupted by Fortune, Fortune backstage argument with Douglas Williams, Knockouts entrance

Q5: 1.29 rating - Madison Rayne, Sarita, and Tara vs. Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, and Mickie James, Abyss and Pope segment, Generation Me promo

Q6: 1.10 rating - Ink Inc. promo, Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me vs. Ink Inc., Team 3D challenge The Guns

Q7: 1.05 rating - Matt Morgan and Eric Bischoff backstage, Jeff Hardy promo

Q8: 1.12 rating - A.J. Styles and Douglas Williams vs. Rob Van Dam and Raven

Overrun: ?? - Family Feud hype, Jeff Jarrett entrance and Matt Morgan out for the main event

Powell's POV: The main event match took place during TNA Reaction, so it doesn't show up in the ratings, nor were we given a rating for the brief overrun. It's discouraging to see TNA lose so many viewers following the Knockouts match in the fifth quarter, but at least the trend of dropping consistently throughout the final hour didn't continue, as the final quarter increased, although not to the extent that one would think a final segment would.

I understand the idea of having the main event run into Reaction, but I think the key is to have the match starting or at least the ring entrances taking place at the top of the hour when viewers are more likely to be channel surfing.

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