TNA Impact quarter-hour ratings: A full breakdown of how the various segments performed during the go-home show for Victory Road

Mar 11, 2011 - 05:13 PM

By Jason Powell

The following are the quarter-hour ratings for the March 10 TNA Impact television show.

Q1: 1.42 rating - Sting promo, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, and Rob Van Dam out for a verbal exchange

Q2: 1.30 rating - Jersey Shore's Angelina bickers with The Beautiful People backstage, The Pope vs. Samoa Joe, Bully Ray talks briefly, two commercial breaks

Q3: 1.20 rating - Madison Rayne vs. Roxxi, Tommy Dreamer talks briefly, Ray and Devon brawl in the parking lot, Dreamer calms down Devon

Q4: 1.12 rating - The Beautiful People and Winter vs. Angelina, Sarita, and Cookie, two commercial breaks

Q5: 1.28 rating - Video package with Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson comments on Bart Scott, Ric Flair and Matt Hardy and A.J. Styles verbal exchange

Q6: 1.24 rating - Flair vs. Styles vs. Hardy, Sting and RVD backstage, Ink Inc. vs. Generation Me with Beer Money on commentary

Q7: 1.21 rating - Tag match continues, post-match mic work from Shannon Moore and Beer Money, Jeff Hardy and Anderson backstage, Pope backstage promo, wedding vow renewal recap, Ultimate X match hype video

Q8: 1.23 rating - Announcers hype Victory Road, Jeremy Borash interviews Sting, Mr. Anderson attacks Sting, Sting and Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson

Overrun: (No rating listed) - Main event continuation.

Powell's POV: The first hour of the show scored a 1.26 rating, and hour two drew a 1.24 rating. The show peaked with the first quarter-hour and then dropped consistently throughout the first hour, yet bounced back and remained fairly consistent in hour two. TNA may have sold some pay-per-views had they bothered to hype Sunday's Victory Road show in the first quarter-hour when they had their highest rating.

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