Ric Flair at Walmart autograph signing recap

Posted in: TNA News
Nov 10, 2011 - 06:10 PM

Dot Net reader Paul Braddy attended a Ric Flair autograph signing at the Dickson, Tenn. Walmart on Wednesday and sent the following recap.

Ric Flair was set to sign from 6-8 p.m. The large banner said the first 300 people would get a number and would be guaranteed to receive an autograph. I went by at about 2 p.m. and they had an area roped off in the lawn and garden area. At the front of the line was a Coca-Cola display that spelled out "Wooo" with a clever arrangement of boxes. I know my hometown, so I skipped the madness and arrived at 7:30 with my 10 year old son. The sign said Flair would sign until eight even after the first 300.

I figured by now the 300 had been through. When we arrived about 20 people were left in line and it was really a sad image. Honestly, I was hoping to not get an autograph because the line would still be too long. Instead, a tired looking Flair sat at a table signing away. We went to stand in line and the manager stopped me and said it was shut down. I explained his own policy too him. He went and asked Flair's handlers. My son and I were permitted to be the last ones to get signed after I told them I just wanted a picture with Flair and my son.

Flair was great! He was talkative and seemed ready to bail but still appreciative. He posed (behind the table) with my son for a picture and miraculously he found pictures 301 and 302 to sign for us! It was great for my son and real sad for me to see the legend signing away in a lawn and garden at Walmart with people shouting Wooo! Flair is planning several of these signing with Coca-Cola and Walmart in the next month. Check out his website and it is worth it to meet the legend regardless of the situation.

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