Kurt Angle on Howard Stern recap: Kurt discusses his divorce from Karen Angle, says he knows that someone in the business hooked up with her, says he's dating a TNA Knockout

Posted in: TNA News
Mar 24, 2009 - 11:17 AM

Keith Lipinski sent in the following recap of Kurt Angle's appearance on the Howard Stern show.

-Pre-interview Former Special K member Fred The Elephant Boy rode the sybian while wearing a bikini after spending a half an hour talking about gay fantasies involving wrestlers and a very special "f--- marry kill" with Mick Foley, Angle and Hulk Hogan. For those who care, he would marry Mick, f--- Kurt, and kill Hogan.

-Kurt came into the room, and saw this overweight, retarded man wearing a bikini on a huge sex toy and noted "he was doing good, until he got in here." Angle asked Elephant Boy how many titles Kurt had one, Elephant Boy said "three or four." Angle replied it was 12.

-Elephant Boy asked about Eric Angle, Kurt's brother and former member of WWE Developmental. Kurt said Eric was out of wrestling and is a welder now.

-Kurt talked about the falling out with Vince McMahon and needing time off to get some help from the pain killers he was taking. "We had a talk and we made amends," Angle said. Kurt said they were "extra strength stuff" and mentioned percoset, five broken necks, up to 65 pills a day and hasn't taken any in four years. He also said, "I don't like to talk about it (his drug problems)." The drugs made him feel straight and normal and would take 20 in the morning just to wake up. Vince wanted Kurt to do rehab on his own as opposed to going to rehab. It took five months for Kurt to clean himself up. He put over Vince allowing people being about to go to rehab now.

-On the divorce with Karen Angle: It happened two months ago and Karen is a millionaire now. He doesn't mind as long as the money is going to their two kids. Kurt knows that someone in the business did something with her ("it may be a wrestler") as Kurt got her in the business, and she'd stay out all night and later tell Kurt she was hanging out with friends in the hotel lobby. Kurt did note he cheated on her a couple of times while they were separated and she may have been getting back at him. He did put her over as a great mother. Howard asked if it was Vince who was sleeping with Karen, Kurt said if it was Vince, Vince would have called to tell Kurt and say, "I got a storyline for you..."

-Kurt proclaimed his love for Stern's news person Robin Quivers and he had a poem for her. Kurt said he may be in love with Robin and he has dated a black woman since his divorce (he mentioned later that it was Rhaka Khan). Kurt thinks he may have a little bit of black in him (as he talked about his butt, his lips and curly hair) which might explain why he's so into Black women. He loved Robin in the Private Parts film epically the scene where Howard was kissing her feet to get her back.

-On MMA "Still considering, seriously considering it. "For me, in wrestling or MMA, I would make the same," he said.

-Kurt read a romantic poem to Robin. He got on his knees, which is one thing he didn't do when he proposed to his ex-wife Karen. "Actually she proposed to me," he said.

Powell's POV: It wasn't a secret that Angle is/was dating Rhaka Khan. The comment regarding someone in the industry sleeping with Karen is interesting. Let the speculation begin, I guess.

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