Dot Net TNA News: Hulk Hogan holds a talent meeting, two people conspicuously absent

Posted in: TNA News
Jul 13, 2011 - 02:32 PM

By Jason Powell

Hulk Hogan held a meeting with the TNA talent on Tuesday prior to the Impact Wrestling taping. Hogan stressed that the wrestlers need to step up their games when it comes to storytelling in the ring, which is a common theme of his in meetings. The talent wasn't very receptive, as they've heard it before. Dixie Carter asked the wrestlers if they had any questions, and no one took the opportunity to do so.

Powell's POV: The feeling was that the speech was only effective with Carter and some members of the office staff rather than the wrestlers it was supposedly intended for. It's also worth noting that Vince Russo and his creative sidekick Matt Conway were among the only people in the company who did not attend the meeting. Some people took it as a sign that they're not on the same page as Hogan or resent the power he possesses. That's just locker room speculation, though, as it's possible they had other duties that kept them away from the meeting.

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