Dot Net TNA News: Details on the Ric Flair vs. Sting match quality, Flair health concerns

Sep 14, 2011 - 12:12 PM

The backstage reviews for the Ric Flair vs. Sting match that was taped for Thursday's Impact Wrestling television show have not been positive. One observer stated that it was so bad that it has no business airing on television. Flair apparently suffered a left arm injury during the match, but the severity of the injury has not been disclosed.

Powell's POV: There were said to be numerous blown spots during the match. Flair is rusty from not working recently, but there is talk that Sting deserves a lot of the blame, as it appeared he forgot some of the planned spots. Our first correspondent who attended the taping enjoyed the match, so we'll see how it plays out on television this week. It sounds like they have some editing work to do based on the backstage reviews.

Update: Dot Net Members are reading a report from a second correspondent who expressed concern that Flair was having heart issues - a concern that was shared by some people backstage.

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