Dot Net TNA News: Backstage issues involving Hulk Hogan and Vince Russo at Hardcore Justice, other backstage drama

Aug 14, 2011 - 02:02 PM

By Jason Powell

There was a major argument between Hulk Hogan and TNA head writer Vince Russo at the Hardcore Justice pay-per-view last Sunday regarding the finish of the Kurt Angle vs. Sting main event. Hogan was frustrated enough that he was telling people that Russo doesn't know anything because he's never been a wrestler.

Hogan and Russo made up at the Impact Wrestling taping on Monday. However, there has been noticeable tension among some of the power players in the company at the three days of Impact Wrestling tapings that followed.

There was also a lot of grumbling backstage regarding Eric Bischoff. The feeling of some wrestlers within the company is that he's snobbish and arrogant, and some of his criticisms over the in-ring work are falling on deaf ears because some of the talent don't respect his opinion regarding in-ring work. There is talk backstage of reshooting an eight-man X Division gauntlet match (that was originally taped on Tuesday) because Bischoff didn't care for it.

Powell's POV: I'm not sure what the specific beef between Hogan and Russo as regarding the Hardcore Justice main event. I'd love to think that one of them objected to the overused referee bump spot that led to Hogan's involvement. It will be interesting to see whether the problems between Hogan and Russo flare up again even though they made peace on Monday. The locker room morale continues to be down and the friction that exists amongst some of the management members isn't going to help that issue.

Update: They did a second version of the X Division gauntlet match at the taping on Wednesday. Since I posted this story on Wednesday, I was told that Hogan and Russo were actually still going over the finish with Sting and Kurt Angle as the Hardcore Justice event was taking place. Several people have stated that the tension between the power players in the company did more damage to the already poor locker room morale.

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