Dot Net Exclusive: Details on the TNA creative process

Posted in: TNA News
Mar 7, 2008 - 12:58 PM

The primary creative team consists of Jeff Jarrett, Dutch Mantel, and Vince Russo. Jeremy Borash and Abyss are regular contributors. The group usually meets at Jarrett’s house and then Russo heads home to Colorado to write the show. Once he’s finished, Russo emails copies to a select group of people and changes are made via telephone and email conversations.

On taping and pay-per-view days, Mike Tenay heads the production meeting. He reads over the script to the agents and members of the production staff. Minor alterations occur during these meetings, but most are production related as opposed to content changes. The production meetings generally last about 45 minutes.

Powell’s POV: Tenay may also take part in the creative meetings. He definitely has in the past, but I’ve heard conflicting stories regarding his current involvement. Likewise, no one seems to know how much influence Borash and Abyss have in the sessions. One source noted that Abyss brings an active wrestler’s perspective to the meetings, and it’s assumed that he's heavily involved in creating his own story lines. The same source was uncertain on whether Abyss attended the most recent booking meetings. Abyss denied his involvement in creative process to some wrestlers in the past, but it’s common knowledge at this point.

It’s also assumed that Kurt Angle has a lot input regarding his own story lines. There have been rumors that he is writing his own material, but no one I spoke with believes that's the case. His influence doesn’t seem to extend much beyond his story lines, because some of the undercard talent he’s gone to bat for haven’t been elevated. Borash is said to be the only creative team member that keeps close tabs on the independent scene, and Abyss obviously has some knowledge since he works a lot of matches outside TNA.

The biggest name that continues to be missing from these meetings is Jim Cornette, who has years of experience and is highly respected in most circles for his booking acumen. Cornette is consulted occasionally, but he’s not involved in the day-to-day creative process. He and Russo have philosophical creative differences and Cornette’s temper is legendary, which probably explains his exclusion. Nevertheless, the fact that a company with so many creative issues fails to utilize one of the brightest booking minds in the industry is a crime.

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